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Om Namaha Shivaya


Sunday, 30 November 2008



Your Choice…
The divine message of the Guru Mandala (The Holy Siddhas) through...

Avdhoot Baba Shivanandji

Q. Every religion is talking about the 'doomsday' and in our religion also
'Mahapralaya in Kalyuga' is mentioned. And the year 2012 is considered to be the
doomsday – the day of judgement. Please elaborate on this.

Babaji: December 21st in the year 2012 is the Ascension Day for the evolved human beings. It can be the doomsday for those who have not followed the path of truth.

Actually every human being has an individual consciousness. Planet earth also has its own consciousness which is very clear and pure. That's why the whole Galaxy and the planet earth are ascending. Year 2012 is the transition period for planet earth when it will enter in the fourth dimension from the present position in the third dimension. Planetearth has been continuously ascending since late 1980's and its vibrational frequency has been increasing ever since. In early 1990's, it was vibrating at the frequency of 7 hertz resonance. By December 2012, it shall vibrate at the frequency of 16.8 hertz resonance. That means the vibrational frequency of Earth will become double. More vibrational frequency indicates more purity and the energy, i.e. earth heading towards higher dimension. So, this is the period when the our planet is going to ascend into the fourth dimension, becoming more pure, divine and full of love energy.

Now the question is what will happen to the human beings who are living in the third dimension? People are talking about saving planet earth, but it is not correct. It is because of our ego that we talk like this. Planet earth has its own consciousness and is already ascending to higher dimension. We should rather be talking about saving ourselves, about saving fellow human beings. All individuals have different consciousness levels and are still vibrating at much lower frequencies. More than 2/3 of our population is vibrating at below average frequency level. That's the reason in every such human being only 3.5%
DNA is active and rest of 96.5% DNA is totally inactive, indicating the ignorance level,spirituality level and the level of truth within us. Baba Gorakshnath, Buddha, Christ and all holy Siddhas had 100% active DNA and had a much higher vibrational frequency. That's why they were much more evolved beings.

The low DNA activation influences thinking of mankind, making them think negatively thus generating negative energy. Collective generation of negative energy will take mankind towards disaster. As on today 2/3 rd of the population has to be saved from the destructive negative energy field of ego, greed, hatred, resentment, holding on to herd mentality and trying to create herd of people which can be dominated by individuals and so on.

The grace of the evolved beings can activate your DNA and erase your past accumulated karmas. Then you rise above all these negative qualities, your vibrational energy gets enhanced and the DNA activation starts. That's why it is said that it cannot happen on its own. Divine light is needed to initiate this process and at every stage of growth and activation.

Therefore, if we also consciously make efforts to raise our energy levels and move
towards higher spirituality, then we too can easily ascend to 4th dimension along with planet earth. But it can be the doomsday for those who are not growing spiritually.

Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Islam, all religions say that the doomsday is the day of Judgment for all those who are unfaithful to the Divinity. But in the Siddha philosophy it is mentioned, as I said earlier, that on this Day of Judgment those who follow the divine path will be saved by Shiva (Infinite) himself. This means that those who are on the path of purity will ascend to the fourth dimension during their living time, and from the year 2012 to 2028 all these living human beings will be totally submerged in the fourth dimension experiencing the higher level of spirituality powered with unconditional love, bliss and happiness. And those who are still vibrating at lower frequency level of third dimension in 2012, when the earth is entering into higher dimension are likely to perish in the natural and manmade calamities. And when theyare reborn, they will not come on this planet where we are living. Instead they will go down to another planet which is vibrating at the lowest 3rd dimensional energy and they are likely to face the ‘Ghor Kaliyuga’ with more suffering, sorrow, pain, disease and 'alp aayu'as mentioned in the scriptures.

So let's take the period from now up to the year 2012 as anopportunity to collectively work towards our ascension and also help all our near and dear ones to achieve the same. If we work collectively, we can take the whole humanity towards happiness, towards unconditional love and towards self realisation. Let's be one divine ray of light of holy Siddhas and let us work for the divinity. Due to ignorance we might have worked for the Devil and might have been instrumental in making many people drift from the right path. But it's never too late. Let us illuminate our lives and work to illuminate the lives of others.

Friday, 3 October 2008


Om Nama Shivaya !

As you aware that your entire spiritual odyssey ends when you find yourself. The journey starts by you and ends at you. All you see and experience during the course of the journey are only milestones. Stopping at a milestone is leaving the journey incomplete, not finding your destination. So continue walking till you reach. Till you find yourself, the pure consciousness, vast and limitless. You will have to go beyond your conditioning. You are not your mind and that too just 4% of the conscious mind. A Conscious mind which is always thinking, please this person, harm that person, get that, leave this, get some more of that — endless demands, but all your energy is wasted in fulfilling these demands which are mostly useless. To find your self you will have to go beyond the conditioning of the conscious mind. You will have to stop listening to the commands for your conscious mind in the beginning or at least analyse the command before acting on it. Once your start walking in this direction you will find that the journey is also very interesting and blissful.
May you all reach your destination. Bless you,


Friday, 5 September 2008

Healing with Compassion

Avdhoot Baba Shivanand
There is no energy more powerful than the love energy. If we fill our hearts with unconditional love for the humanity, I guarantee that we can put an end to all human sufferings.

Siddha Kundalini Yoga is full of compassion. It is based on the unconditional love of none other than the Lord Shiva himself. At the advent of cilvilization, Lord Shiva came on this planet with the objective that mankind should not lose itself in the affairs of the world. His intention was not to let the man disconnect himself with the God. Which precisely what is happening today. Because of all the negative energy that surrounds us, the planet earth is drifting away from divine light of the holy universe. It is only with the Siddha powers that this drifting movement can be slowed down. It is with the love energy that we can bring the planet back to light and to God.

There is no denying that more and more people are using a variety of meditation methods,
however, their heart chakras are not opening up. There is so much of negativity in the Kalyug that we need a meditation method that can open up the heart chakra and let the energy flow through our being, which in turn we can pass on to the rest of humanity.

Siddha Kundalini Yoga is the ideal meditation method for the Kalyug. Because in Kalyug, the life span is short and there are diseases galore. We need a meditation method that can rid us of bodily disorders too. With SKY, you heal yourself while you meditate and you meditate while you heal yourself. What can be better than that!

When you practice SKY, you open up your Chakras and also acquire healing powers. And when you do so, you attract other people who approach you to solve their problems; love starts flowing through you for them. After they are healed, love starts flowing to you from them. In this manner,there is an exchange of love energy and both the giver and the receiver enlarge their heart charkas with immense love. As a healer, you grow faster on the path of spirituality, because when you do “Nishkam Sewa” or self less service God is extra kind to you. God loves Sadhaks who also give healing along with meditation because such Sadhaks are instrumental in the well being of humanity. Which is God’s own work. These people spread unconditional love of Lord Shiva to humanity.

Babaji decided to teach this sacred method because, now more than ever, humanity needs to be empowered with Siddha Kundalini Yoga.

While various Yogic methods exist, i.e. Raj Yoga, Hath Yoga, Jap Yoga, Kriya Yoga, they work only on the individual growth. But SKY activates your Kundalini Shakti. It awakens your inner strength. This inner strength is the backbone of your success, bringing you good health, abundance, prosperity and everything positive. And you can use the same powers to enrich the lives of your family and friends. In this way you become instrumental in spreading divinity.

So, how come this sacred divine power is now available to everybody? The first Siddha Guru was Adi Guru Lord Shiva, who came to earth and transferred the divine knowledge to a few deserving people, who were called Siddhas. These Siddhas kept the parampara alive by transferring the Shakti and the knowledge to the few of their worthy disciples. And then started the tradition ofpassing down the wisdom, to the seeker through “Shakti Path”.

While there is a mention of various Kriyas of Siddha Kundalini Yoga, e. g. Mrit Sanjivani, SiddhaKriya, Diya Kriya, Shambhavi Shakti, the details were kept closely guarded. The knowledge died with few Gurus.

But in Kalyug, when the humanity is reeling under darkness, God decided to throw open all the secrets for the benefit of the humanity. So that we can come out of suffering and begin our journey towards Satyug. The period has already began from 1984 and shall continue till 2012.
This is the right time for every seeker to walk the path of spirituality and learn to meditate. In this period, grace marks are awaiting for every seeker.

Many Maharishi have mentioned about the Mahima of divine period. And their desire to do
Sadhna in this period so that they could achieve the highest level of ascension. Lot of divine souls already have taken birth in this period. These newborn babies are joining the growing Siddha family. Many new borns have received “Shaktipath” by Babaji. He predicts that these children will take humanity to Satyug through their divinity.

The increase in the negative energy will correspond with the increase in the positive energy in the form of great spiritual souls, who would be instrumental in restoring positive balance in the universe.

If you are interested in self-realization. You must become a part of Siddha family. And join in the divine mission of spreading unconditional love.



Shiv Yog Samadhi Retreat is usually a five day residential camp that is held on the bank of Ganges in Rishikesh. It is an opportunity to spend five days in the energy field of the His Holiness Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji.

Twice every year Babaji takes the seekers to Rishikesh so that they can release all the stress and impressions collected during the six months and can grow spiritually to attain their ultimate aim. Intensive meditations such Meeting with one's Soul, Meeting with the Spiritual Gurus and Ascended Masters, Rebirthing, Healing of Past Lives etc. are an integral part of these retreats. These retreats charge and energies the participants so that they are totally prepared to face their competitive surroundings once they return.

The holy city of Rishikesh is the best place for these deep meditations as the whole environment is charged with the energy of thousand of Ancient Indian Siddhas that have meditated there. The sadhaks also receive the blessings of the Holy Ganges and are helped to shed their loads of Karmas.

Babaji Says that every soul comes on the planet earth with a specific purpose. In order to achieve their purpose these souls choose a particular vibrational level of each of the seven factors that affect the life of an individual. These include health, prosperity, relationship, children, carrier etc. But when they come on this planet, under the influence of Maya they forget their very purpose and also the energy of the seven factors starts vibrating at a lower frequency. If health is vibrating at a lower frequency it means occurrence of diseases, poor health. If relationship is vibrating at a lower frequency it results in unhappy marriage. If prosperity factor is vibrating at a lower frequency it means lack of wealth etc.

Shiv Yog Samadhi Shivir is a lifetime opportunity where Babaji will take you to a deep level of Samadhi where he will make you meet your highest spiritual guides who will remind you of your purpose of coming on this planet and will also give you the necessary guidance to achieve your goal. When you will be in deep Samadhi the frequency of vibration of the various factors of the life is increased to the highest level so that all the participating Sadhaks enjoy a very healthy and a prosperous life. These are the two key factors that will be focused during this camp.

Babaji says at least three such Shivirs are needed to completely detoxify your body from ill effects of modernization. Our senior Sadhaks who have attended this programme in the earlier years are having fantastic life unimaginable to them, as is the power of this secret siddha programme. Everybody is wholeheartedly invited to attend this programme at Rishikesh. For your convenience it is advisable that you make an early registration, as number seats are strictly limited.

Friday, 29 August 2008

Shivyog Swadhyay

Guru Khand
Akhandamandalakaram Vyaptam Yena Characharam
Tatpadam darshitam yena Tasmai Shree guruve namah (1)
Salutions are to that Guru, who showed me the abode-the one who is to be know-whose from is the entire universe and by whom all the movable and immovables are pervded.

Agayanna-timirandhasya gayananajana-salakaya
Chakshurunmilitam yena Tasmai shree guruve namah (2)
Salutions are to that Guru, who opened the eye of one blind due to the darkness(cover) of ignorance with a needle coated with the ointment of knowledge.

Gururbrahma gururvishnu gururdevo maheshvarah
Gurushakshat parambrahma Tasmai shree guruve namah (3)
Salutions are to that Guru, who is the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer, who is the limitless one.

Sthavaram jangamam vyaptam yatkinchit sacharacharam
Tatpadam darshitam yena Tasmai shree guruve namah (4)
Salutions are to that Guru, who showed me the One to be known, who permeates whatever is movable, immovable, sentient or insentient.

Nityanandam vyapi-yatsarvam Trilokyam sacharacharam
Tatpadam darshitam yena Tasmai shree guruve namah (5)
Salutions are to that Guru, who showed me the One to be known, who is the Awareness prevading the movable and immovable in the three worlds (waking, dream and deep sleep)

Sarvashruti-shiroratna Virajita padambujah
Vedantambuja suryo yah Tasmai shree guruve namah (6)
Salutions are to that Guru, who is the Sun to the lotus of Vedanta and shoes lotus feet are made radient by the jewel of all Srutis (Upanishads).

Chaitanyah shashvatam shantam Vyomateetam niranjanam
Nadabindu kalatitam Tasmai shree guruve namah (7)
OM salutions to the Guru, Who is Awareness, changeless (beyond time), who is peace, beyond space, pure (free from likes and dislikes), and who is beyond the manifest and the unmanifest (Nada, Bindu etc.)

Gyanshakti samarudah Tattva mala vibhushitah
Bhukti mukti pradata ch Tasmai shree guruve namah (8)
Salutions are to that Guru, who is rooted in knowledge that is power, adomed with the garland of truth and who is the bestower of the joy of liberation.

Aneka janma samprapta karma bandha vidahine
Atma gyana pradanena Tasmai shree guruve namah (9)
Salutions are to that Guru, who by bestowing the knowledge of the Self bums the bondage created by accumulated actions of innumerable births.

Shoshanam bhava sindhoshcha gayapanam sarasampadah
Guru padodakam samyak Tasmai shree guruve namah (10)
Om salutions to the Guru; the perennial flow of wisdom from the one rooted in the vision of the Sruti, dries up totally the ocean of transmigration (samsara) and reveals the essence of all wealth (the freedom from want).

Na Guror-adhikam tattvam Na Guror-adhikam tapah
Tattvam gayanatparam nasti Tasmai shree guruve namah (11)
There is nothing superior to knowledge of Truth; no Truth higher than the Truth, and there is no purifying austerity better than the Truth; Salutions to that Guru.

Mannathah shree jagannatho Madguruh shree jagadguruh
Mamatma sarva bhutatma Tasmali shree guruve namah (12)
Prostrations to that Guru, who is my Lord and who is the Lord of the Universe, my teacher who is the teacher of the Universe, who is the Self in me and the Self in all begins.

Brahmanandam paramasukhadam kevalam gyanamurtim
Dvandvateetam gaganasadrusham tattva-masyadi-laksyam
Ekam nityam vimalam achalam sarvadhee sakshi bhutam
Bhava teetam triguna rahitam sadgurum tam namami (13)
I bow to the Sadguru, who is the bliss of Brahman and the bestower of the highest joy. He is the absolute. He is knowledge personified. He is beyond duality. He is one. He is etemal, pure, steady and the witness of all thoughts. He is beyond all modifications (of mind an body) and free from the three gunas.

Nityam suddham nirabhasam Nirakaram niranjanam
Nityabodham chidanandam Gurum brahma namamyaham (14)
I bow to the Guru, who is Brahman, etemal and pure. He is beyond perception, formless and without taint. He is eternal knowledge, consciousness and bliss.

Dhyan moolam gurur murtih Pooja moolam guroh padam
Mantra moolam gurur-vakyam Moksha moolam guroh krupa (15)
Meditate on Gurus form, worship the Gurus feet, Guru’s words are mantras. Liberation is attained by Guru’s grace.

Tvameva mata cha pita tvameva Tvameva bandhushcha sakha tvameva
Tvameva vidya dravinam tvameva Tvameva sarvam mama deva deva (16)
Oh! God of all Gods! You alone are my mother, father, kinsman, friend, the knowledge and wealth. You are everything to me.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

About Babaji

His Holiness Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji is an embodiment of unconditional love and divine wisdom. Known as the father of Indian healing, he revived the sacred wisdom of ancient India and opened the gates of esoteric knowledge for the common man. Babaji is a self realized master and a social reformer. He is selflessly engaged in various social and spiritual activities to realize his mission of healing the humanity.

From the very childhood Babaji had a strong passion for God realisation. This unceasing and overwhelming desire led Babaji to the ultimate union with Divine Bliss. Immersed in God realisation, blessed with the divine healing powers, overflowing with love, grace and compassion Babaji is guiding the humankind to use the divine energy to lead a complete and balanced life ultimately reaching their divine destiny i.e. the Union with the Infinite.

Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji is a charismatic personality. This worthy disciple of Siddhagurus is ardently carrying on his crusade against the darker forces of pain and suffering, at all levels. His teachings do not reflect any elitism that’s why they are of immense help to the society. His presence has a cathartic effect. Babaji graced numerous people and those who got his grace were overwhelmed with his sagacious wisdom on basic facts of human life.

Babaji revealed and guided various people that they can create a life of their liking by the sheer power of their choice. Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji says. “Mankind was not meant to suffer, but to experience the best of the best on the planet earth. It was only through ignorance and accumulation of negative karma that there is untold suffering.” Babaji guides individuals to reach their destination of self-realization through the Siddha path which is considered as – more powerful and very secret.

Our destiny can change by practicing the Siddha ways of meditation through Babaji’s guidance and grace. The Siddha lineage, born of Siddhagurus and pursued with missionary zeal by Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji, takes upon itself to peep into the internal orifices of beings in order to rectify the errors here-to-fore overlooked. Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji has dedicated his life to the noble endeavor of spreading sacred and pragmatic legacy of Siddhagurus to all corners of the world.