Om Namaha Shivaya
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Meditation Tips
1. Allow yourself to be exactly the way you are.
The moment we stop deeply, and relax completely, we can look inside. Then we will discover the infinite presence and essence of our eternal being who is always present. By letting you and your ego be exactly as they are, you stop getting caught in the mind's eternal trap of desire. You discover pure freedom. Some people will need to sit silent for weeks, months or even years (if their mind is deeply chaotic) to alleviate this trap of thinking.
However the moment the thinking and desiring program ceases, an amazing bliss will occur in that instant. When you have become the master and your mind the servant, something very magical happens. Your first real taste of unbounded freedom and unlimited potentiality is unleashed. To master this state of being, look inside for roots of peace and compassion and your life will automatically grow it's wings of freedom!
2. Accept the Universe exactly as it is.
Do not let the mind get attached to what meditating should feel like, look like or be like. Let go of all "shoulds" in your life and simply be here now. This day is as it should be, your life is EXACTLY as it should be, just as your thoughts and feelings are as they should be about it right now. However the more you can accept what's happening to you right now, the deeper you can relax about it. Acceptance always makes one relaxed and at ease. If self-acceptance comes in a trickle or a downpour, then that is right for you. Acceptance is the key to releasing all suffering and issues of avoidance or attachment.
As you practice embracing everything inside and outside you, remember whatever you have trouble accepting, is here to serve your highest purpose by pushing you towards a deeper experience of acceptance. If you encounter a serious negative emotional pull that is totally overwhelming, stop buying into it's dramatic story and step out of the game. Become aware! Pure awareness always burns through the mind's an instant.
Depending on how long you've been ignoring certain issues in your life or running away from certain thoughts, the longer it may take you to actually relax, train and quiet the mind. Yet the very moment you let go of your life, and are infinitely patient and accepting of yourself the way you are, a completely over-flowing abundance of relaxation and energy will rise into you and through the world around you.
3. Explore everything with a childlike state of wonder.
When you're ready to take on a deeper meditation challenge, you are ready for self-inquiry. Start by asking the question, "Who am I?" Ask yourself, "Who is the one who is thinking this thought right now?" Dive into yourself!
Meditate on questions like, "Who is watching this experience now?" and "Who is hearing this interpretation of this experience now?" and "Who is experiencing this experience of living in this body?" and "Where is this thought coming from?" Notice what kinds of thoughts your mind creates to answer to this instantly enlightening ancient question.
When meditating, if you experience an increasing feeling of lightness, go with it! Ground it into your body with your breath. It's best to stay centered, in your body and integrate your experiences as they come, rather than get lost in the phenomena they produce. The greatest meditators blend heaven and earth at all times. They discover within each moment this deeper "knowing-ness" that they are this always connected to an Infinite Source of goodness inside.
4. Surrender to whom or what is present here now.
Surrender is the ultimate Key. We are imprisoned in the present moment for an eternity. Your body cannot escape the Now. The mind pretends it exists in the past and future by dreaming about them, yet the Truth contains you here. The moment you surrender to ANY internal battle in the mind and be present to the now, you'll notice the issue simply disappears! If you are having trouble surrendering, let your greatest fear arise in you. Face it directly. See if your fear is coming from a fear of loss, or a fear of separation from the Source. The meditative mind doesn't participate in such illusions because it is not attached to the gristle of each passing experience.
5. Know your a spiritual being without boundaries.
Understand a few things as you meditate for the next few months. You are not your thoughts or your body. You are also not your income, job, relationships, or lack of all the above. You are MUCH bigger than all of this. Do not participate in the drama of the mind! Your body is your temporary home, not your mind, thinking or head. Take time to be still, and totally present to the body. Listen to your breath, to your life. Feel your heart beat and see the awakening being inside!
We are always having an experience, be present to the one the most important one, the one that's happening NOW. If you're demanding to have a experience, you're cutting off this one and completely missing the river of your life-force. The moment you stop trying to make something Big happen, LIFE happens to you. If whatever you're doing doesn't work, do the opposite of what didn't work before. The more you can relax and simply be, the more abundant and full of life's infinite riches you'll become.
6. Watch The Mind!
This moment contains the entire Universe and is happening faster than you can think. The mind cannot keep up with the moment, there is too much happening in one moment to be contained by the mind. The mind is a very small container for this existence. Only when the mind surrenders to pure consciousness can the whole universe be contained within its grasp. Then it is gone. So watch the mind, be aware of its infinite agendas.
The mind will get caught in very subtle moments of the past and future. When you are totally in the moment, there truly is NO mind. Only a pure awareness remains. When you're sitting and being silent, being open to everything and resisting nothing, the Enlightening process suddenly begins. It happens in an instant. When the mind is completely at peace, when absolutely no worries, no concerns and no thoughts arise, notice what is there! The untainted being who is eternally present to the river of moments in existence slowly awakens!
7. Always, always, always be gentle with your self.
Be extremely gentle with yourself. Especially if this is your first attempt at meditating. If you ever get lost in the process always remember and repeat this ancient secret Zen saying, "Simply Being With What Is." If you can't stay focused on anything for more than 7 seconds, its O.K, you've just been stuck in the habit of not pulling back on the reigns of the mind. Relax, and be patient with yourself. Never ever allow yourself to go into a state of feeling guilty. Guilt is one of the lowest vibrations on the planet and will never manifest the results you want. Encourage yourself to stay FAR away from feeling guilt no matter what and always be gentle with YOU! You are the most important person in your life! When you are 100% at peace with your past, present and future, the blissful state of samadhi in meditation happens instantly!! Self love and gentleness are golden keys in my book to developing a state of meditation and are a result of stepping into a samadhi experience..
If you have trouble relaxing into this gentleness...Imagine a warm gentle light entering in through your toes and then moving all the way up your legs, torso, chest, neck, arms, hands, head and finally all throughout your body। Breathe in and out slowly repeating this affirmation, "I am safe, I am loved, all is well in my world. Let these words sink deeply into your body. Allow any calming energy to grow and spread to the areas of tension. Give yourself permission to absorb feelings of relaxation and dissolve the stress that arises in the body and mind.
Meditation Techniques to Quiet The Chattering mind
1. Follow your breath. Don't try to control or change it, simply watch it.
2. Repeat a mantra (say a drawn out sound like AUUM)
3. Visualize a sacred/beautiful symbol.
4. Look directly into your another persons eyes.
5. Look into your eyes (in a mirror).
6. Visualize and feel your Kundalini and Chakras.
7. Focus on the space between the stars (pure nothing-ness)
8. Focus on an Infinite Source (Shiva,God, the Universe, Consciousness etc...)
9. Look directly into a candle flame 6 inches from your nose.
10. Meditate on the silence between your heartbeats.
Inner peace is always a choice...
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Atamsudhi ke Dwar Shivyog
Atamsudhi ke Dwar - Shivyog Parvachan
Audio Format MP3 Duration 140 Min. Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji
DL Mf Links :
Thanks to Nilesh.
Spiritual Awakening
1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the "Shiva seed" awakens within. This too shall pass.
2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This will pass.
3. Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2 above. It's good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass.
4. Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don't worry about finding the "perfect" job or career right now. This too shall pass. You're in transition and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion.
5. Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This will pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.
6. Unusual sleep patterns. It's likely that you'll awaken many nights between 2:00 and 4:00 AM. There's a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not to worry. If you can't go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This will pass.
7. Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogiemen. This too shall pass.
8. Physical disorientation. At times you'll feel very ungrounded. You'll be "spatially challenged" with the feeling like you can't put two feet on the ground, or that you're walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This will pass.
9. Increased "self talk." You'll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You'll suddenly realize you've been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you're experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You're not going crazy, you're just Lightworkers, moving into the new energy.
10. Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to "flee" groups and crowds. As Lightworkers, you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own Shiva consciousness.
11. Loss of passion. You may feel totally dis-impassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That's OK, and it's just part of the process. Take this time to "do no-thing." Don't fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It's similar to rebooting a computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order to load the sophisticated new software, or in this case, the new Shiva-seed energy.
12. A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most challenging of the conditions. You may experience a deep and over-whelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a "suicidal" feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don't want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or other. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home. The root cause for this is quite simple. You have completed your karmic cycles. You have completed your contract for this lifetime. You are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body. During this transition process, you have an inner remembrance of what it is like to be on the other side. Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth? Are you ready to take on the challenges of moving into the New Energy? Yes, indeed you could go Home right now. But you've come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie. Besides, Spirit needs you here to help others transition into the new energy. They will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken the journey from the old energy into the new. The path you're walking right now provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher of the New Divine Human. As lonely and dark as your journey can be at times, remember that you are never alone.
Monday, 17 August 2009
Exist on 5D Earth
Now is the time to start working in overdrive on our spiritual progression। This window of opportunity is closing and it’s imperative for those who wish to make the transition to decide whether they want to be part of the new transformation of 5D Earth or remain in this three dimensional, fear-ladened reality. Each day, we have the opportunity to synchronize our minds and bodies, through intention, prayer and meditation, to the cosmic source of abundant energy, which is helping to assist us in this transformation.
Every Lightworker hopes and wishes that the entire planet will make this transformation, but negativity and fear cannot coexist with peace, love and happiness on 5D Earth. Imagine if we all graduated to 5D earth right now. If thoughts equal manifestations, then what would happen to the person who lives in fear? His or her thoughts would immediately manifest into that particular fear, essentially creating a living Hell.
Fortunately, we exist in a period of time where thoughts are becoming manifestations with relative ease as we make this transition. That means the window of opportunity is still open for those who wish to be part of 5D Earth.
That leads us to the question, “Why will people get left behind?”
Why will people get left behind?
1.Some people are not spiritually in vibration with the rest of the planet. The whole planet is in tune to a specific vibration and frequency. That’s how animals know when it’s time to migrate. Our Earth’s vibrations are changing daily as more as more energy from our cosmic source is moving toward us in waves of abundance. Look at spirituality as a team event. When individuals make their best efforts to contribute to a team sport, they win. This game is very simple. Know in your mind that we’ve already won this battle and focus on making spirituality an everyday event through meditation, prayer, intention, unconditional love, global (and universal) consciousness and by doing kind deeds for others. This is where it begins, my friends!
2.Some people live in fear. We have two basic emotions: love and fear. If we live our lives in fear, then we’re incapable of truly loving ourselves and others. Those in power know this and use fear to their advantage. Conversely, we can use love to our advantage as well! Look at the peace rallies in the 1960’s during the “make love, not war” era. Eventually, the troops in Vietnam laid down their guns, The war machine stops here.” Without soldiers, there’s no war. This type of love based consciousness wins over fear every time!
3.Some people place a high value on money. Que$tion: What i$ the true purpo$e of money? An$wer: To control u$ while we live in this slave society. There is no need for money in the Golden Age where there is abundance for all. That’s why we’re seeing a collapse of the banking systems right now as the Federal Reserve is choking on their creation. With millions of galaxies in our Universe, we’re probably the ONLY planet who is being controlled by MONEY!The richest organization on the planet is the Roman Catholic Church. They have enough net worth to feed, cloth and shelter every person on the planet, yet they horde their money and demand people to tithe them 10-20% of their savings. What’s wrong with this picture? For those who haven’t begun their spiritual journey, this is a good place to start!
4।Some people place a high value of materialistic items। People who are materialistic and are unable to let go of their egos may not transcend to a higher vibration। That’s why those in power are trying to keep us in fear because when we fear, we can’t love and love is the fundamental basis for this transition. Materialism has no place on 5-D Earth so if you think life is all about owning a Vera Wang dress or a pair of $250 basketball shoes, then you might remain behind as well. Then you can enjoy your material possessions on 3D Earth as you continue to work for the money that allows you to purchase these items. The choice is yours.5. Some people are greedy. Just like being materialistic, if you’re greedy, your vibrations will not mesh with the Golden Age and you may get left behind. Our lives are individual, yet people don’t realize how much they contribute to global consciousness! By being greedy, you’re sending out a wave of negative energy that will only reflect itself upon your denial into the Golden Age. If this is what you choose, then you better get used to 3-D Earth because you won’t make the 5-D Earth boat.
6. Some people are control freaks. Spirituality is, indeed, an individual effort that contributes to global consciousness, which in turn reinforces the mandlebrot that creates our reality. If your desire is to control others through manipulation then you’ll continue to have a job reserved for you on 3-D Earth until you learn this lesson.On 5D Earth, there’s not gonna be one specific person who says, “this is how it’s gonna be”. This is a cumulative manifestation that’s created through a group effort of intention, thought and prayer, so if you think you’re gonna be the boss of 5D Earth, then you’ll probably miss the boat.
7. Some people think the world revolves around them. This is where one of the Mayan prophecies in the Popol Vuh has already come true (Seven Macaw). Our egos have been pumped up so much that many people think the world is all about them. It’s not, it’s about us.
8. Some people are not consciously practicing unconditional love to one another. How difficult is it to smile at someone or open the door for the elderly (or anyone for that matter!)? If we loved everyone as much as dogs love their owners, this world would be a much better place. On 5D Earth, everyone will be best friends with one another through unconditional love.
9. Some people constantly think negative thoughts. As we’ve learned from the Law of Attraction, thoughts will become manifestations. This will become easier and easier as we approach 2012. In other words, what we think will manifest itself. If a person thinks negative thoughts, then they’ll create “Hell” in their own minds. People of this vibration cannot exist in the Golden Age and will be left behind.
10. Some people are trapped inside the box. We were born with all the answers we ever needed. From the moment the doctor delivers a baby, the baby learns fear when he or she gets slapped on the butt. Our educational systems place our thought processes inside the box and this mentality is continued as we enter the work force. Did you ever wonder, “Why do we even need to work?” To earn money??? What if money didn’t exist anymore? What type of “work” will we be doing in a peaceful, coexisting society? We were taught that we need money and have to work, yet most of our hard earned money goes to the 13 controlling bloodlines who “rule” this planet.
You can continue to follow the flock and remain with these bloodlines or begin your spiritual journey right now! This window of opportunity will not be open much longer. Our 3rd dimensional life is all about the decisions we make and how those decisions affect our daily lives. Let’s face it, we all know somebody who seems to enjoy being miserable so it’s okay if that person decides to miss this opportunity and is content living on 3D Earth.
Don't worry about anyone who is evil or corrupted. Their vibrations will keep the locked in this reality. Their evil and darkness is actually needed to awaken people to their true spiritual purpose. You didn’t incarnate to become rich and wealthy. You’re here to make a difference on this planet and to witness the Golden Age. Before you agreed to come here, you knew you could make a difference in this world and that you wouldn’t follow the flock.
If you’re awakened at this point, life is truly beautiful. If you haven’t, including the powers currently “ruling” this planet, there’s still the opportunity to make this transition but the window is closing little by little each day.The boat for 5-D Earth will be departing soon. There are 6.6 billion people on this planet and 6.6 billion reservations made.
Everyone has the opportunity be part of this process which only comes around approximately once every 26,000 years.
Who’s ready to go home to 5D Earth??
DNA Activation
DNA contains the instructions needed for a living organism to grow and function। It tells cells exactly what role they should play in the body. It holds instructions to make your heart cells beat, your limbs form in the correct place, the immune system fight infection, and your digestive system digest your dinner.
DNA carries its instructions in a code made from a four letter alphabet: G, A, T and C. The sequence of these letters is known as the genetic code.A molecule of DNA resembles a twisted ladder. Each rung of the ladder is made up of two DNA letters. A always binds to T and G always binds to C. The binding of the letters causes the whole molecule to coil up into a spiral staircase-like structure called a double helix.
The Ascension Process
The process of returning to twelve strands of DNA in our current human form is known as Ascension. Ascension is the process by which the embodiment is elevated in vibration a little at a time, until it is vibrating to the resonance of unconditional love. During this process, at an etherical level, ten additional strands of DNA are connected within the circuitry of the body and the brain. As the embodiment elevates in vibration, and as the new DNA is connected, fear-based patterns and beliefs are released simultaneously and make room for the experience of more joy, creativity and self-expression.
Ten Strands are Interdimensional
In 4D [Human dimensionality], you have two DNA strands [loops or toroids]. Those who would tell you that you have 12 are giving you a 4D description of a multidimensional puzzle. There are truly only two biological or physical strands. All of the rest, the ten that are not mentioned and not described and not visible in 4D, are in layers within the two you can see. They are not additional strands or loops or toroids. They lay upon the biological ones, many of them interfacing biologically with the strands that you are able to see. So, there are really two strands with another ten interdimensional aspects upon them. That is how you arrive at the 12. Ten you cannot see, and two you can.
In embracing the first set of twelve strands of DNA, one is considered "Christed." Many metaphysicians have spoken of the return of the "Christ." The return of "Christ" is and will be in the form of many who will embody the new genetics. The individual who has embodied twelve strands of DNA or has become "Christed" moves beyond limitation within human form. In moving beyond limitation, the individual also moves out of fear. As all of mankind embodies the new genetics, civilisation will gradually restructure itself to be based on unconditional love.
The joining of the brain's hemispheresYou are in the process of reuniting the right and left hemispheres of your brain (which is the way it was designed to be). Once this is accomplished, wondrous things begin to happen: your creativity blossoms along with the mental agility and wherewithal to manifest your creative visions. You gain access to the levels of the brain which resonate to the frequencies of the higher dimensions, and you tap into the Light packets of wisdom and cosmic information that are stored there. The master glands within the brain are activated and you reconnect with the aspects of yourself that have lain dormant for thousands of years.
Ascension Chambers Within the pyramids of ancient Egypt, initiates were gradually elevated in vibration a little at a time over a time frame of many years. This resulted in the cellular restructuring of their bodies to what is called "crystalline" in form. The final purpose of the initiations in Egypt was for initiates to transcend the experience of death and take their embodiment into the next dimension. In order to accomplish this, the cellular restructuring to the "crystalline" form was a necessity.The pyramids were only required by those with a lower vibration (the partially conscious humanoid form) and therefore were deemed necessary to support ascension in this fashion. Each chamber within the pyramid utilised a variety of devices to hold a specific vibration necessary to ascend a form from 5024 to 45,000 strands of DNA. Initiates entered the pyramid for varying time frames and learned to hold the vibrations within the chambers of their own accord.
DNA as a means of communication Encodements are contained in the cellular-genetic makeup. Chakra systems would be somewhat like power transformers, resistors and capacitors. Every cell has a consciousness, so that when the personality of the human gets bogged down and unable to move forward, the consciousness of the “high self” may throw a switch that gives a message to the cellular structures that says, “We need to create some kind of situation in order to prod the personality and bring them back on track.”Certain DNA blueprints of possibilities are sent to the high self. It could possibly be some form of accident or illness, or perhaps enlightening information from a friend, and the higher self will then offer these blueprints to the soul, who will then say, “This is what we need to do,” and subsequently throws a switch that will bring certain situations into manifestation. And this is the reason we have said that the DNA and the RNA are communication systems. It would be as if DNA is the link to high self and soul and RNA would be the soul’s response in a certain sense.
Light (information) expresses through the medium of what we call consciousness, and that consciousness is encoded within DNA. The +/- polarities in light are comparable to the DNA-RNA, which could be described as the polarities of human consciousness. This is also the reason that human consciousness goes from light to dark.
New equipment - new programs
To strengthen the connection to your Higher Selves, new attributes will be employed. You are in the process of changing a critical part of the biology known to you as DNA. This new template allows you to walk in full unison with your Higher Self in every moment. Even after the new part is installed, it will need to be programmed. This programming will be in the area of establishing the synaptic pathways in the brain needed for full use of the new equipment. The re-connection of the DNA by itself only provides the opportunity for higher communication. It is still necessary to connect the wires to the new equipment. There are many ways to establish new synaptic pathways in the higher vibrations of the New Earth. Many more modalities will be presenting themselves to fully connect the new hardware. (The entire akashic records are in your DNA.)
Universal law provides that the physical form for Divine life expression of a species may be altered or reformatted only by those who dwell therein। This means that the DNA of a species of Earth can only be altered through the creative choice of the consciousness that dwells within the body form। What this means for you is that the human DNA that is responsible for every aspect of your physical presence cannot be altered by other beings, nor can it be changed by you from outside of the physical plane. How do you change your own DNA? To change your DNA and to change your structure you need to change your emotions. You also need to change your thoughts because to do these two things means to change your biochemistry and your brain chemistry.
The vibration of your entire body is shifting to a higher frequency during cellular transformation. Some are experiencing many different physical symptoms which can be strong at times or can be very subtle. Within this lifetime, there is more evolution taking place in your body than in the total of all previous lifetimes on this planet. A transformation change is taking place in your body as well as in the earth. The very cell structure of your body is changing which will allow you to withstand and integrate these higher frequencies of energy.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Visions in Meditation
Visions in Meditation
The visions can be divided into four major categories :
1- Visions coming from purification of Chitta. These visions are
mostly seen in the beginning days of sadhna. A Sadhaka normally sees
himself with giants, serpents, evil spirits or sees himself in very
shabby and poor condition . Often one is afraid and the concentration
breaks ..but these should be seen bravely as when these type of
visions are seen, it indicates some very bad karma or our own evil
desires are dying . These type of visions denote progress in Sadhana.
2- Visions showing future - These visions are like his Kripa to tell
us forehand that we should be ready for some bad times. Though some
people, without any sadhana also see visions about future, but these
are more common with sadhkas. One should not feel distressed to see
the future, as God wishes to warn us and to be ready for this.
3- Visions guiding in sadhana - Once we have made little advancement
on the path of sadhana, our burden of Yoga is taken over by HIM (As
shri Krishna has beautifully explained in Gita). These type of
visions are seen by those sadhaka who do not have a guru, or their
guru is not available to help him. These visions give clear guidance
on साधना.
The visions can be divided into four major categories :
1- Visions coming from purification of Chitta. These visions are
mostly seen in the beginning days of sadhna. A Sadhaka normally sees
himself with giants, serpents, evil spirits or sees himself in very
shabby and poor condition . Often one is afraid and the concentration
breaks ..but these should be seen bravely as when these type of
visions are seen, it indicates some very bad karma or our own evil
desires are dying . These type of visions denote progress in Sadhana.
2- Visions showing future - These visions are like his Kripa to tell
us forehand that we should be ready for some bad times. Though some
people, without any sadhana also see visions about future, but these
are more common with sadhkas. One should not feel distressed to see
the future, as God wishes to warn us and to be ready for this.
3- Visions guiding in sadhana - Once we have made little advancement
on the path of sadhana, our burden of Yoga is taken over by HIM (As
shri Krishna has beautifully explained in Gita). These type of
visions are seen by those sadhaka who do not have a guru, or their
guru is not available to help him. These visions give clear guidance
on साधना.
4- Visions showing the mysteries of the Universe - These type of
visions are seen by advanced sadhaka (or by a novice if God so
wishes). In this one may see sky, stars, kundalini or his body
functions, or may see different energies working in the universe. The
vision had by Swami Yogananda falls under this category. So by
careful analysis of the vision, we may categorise it and find out
whether it indicates Chittashudhhi, warning, guiding or showing great
mystery and use its results in our sadhana.
STRANGE LIGHTS : Seeing strange lights by closed eyes is a very
common phenomenon. these are seen even by new sadhakas. There are
different explanations for seeing the lights, but we will not go into
dry intellectualism. These lights may be seen as a dot against the
black back ground as seen by closed eyes or we may see a fog/mist of
colours, or the light may be seen as a thunderbolt. How we see the
lights is not important. The importance of light lies in its color.
We should carefully note the color of the light seen which may give
us an insight into its significance. Below some examples
gathered from new and advanced sadhakas :-
(The colours may be common colours, but they tend to change in such
wavelengths as are never seen in practical. Seeing a colour in
strange wavelengths denotes higher stage of concentration)
1- A less black dot seen in the darker background :- It denotes the
sadhana is on right path. The dot represents wavering but settling
Manas as seen by the Agya Chakra.
2- A bright dot (color milky white) : denotes progress in sadhana. If
possible we should concentrate on this dot, though in the beginning it sparks and fades in
seconds, but becomes stable with progress in concentration.
3- Self-illuminating cob-webs or strange shapes : These may denote
visualizing one of our chakra, or a complex system of our Nadis.
Instead of wasting our time as to what it is, we should continue with
our sadhna and He will reveal slowly what He wishes to show.
4- Color Pink : denotes higher stage of purified chitta
5- Color Green : denotes peace attained by Manas
6- Color Yellow or golden : denotes Ishwar Kripa coming to us
7- Color Orange : denotes lust and Kama under control
8- Color Violet : denotes higher stage of sadhna. It signifies
activation of Agya Chakra.
9- Color Blue : denotes feeling of Vairagya becoming stronger.
These were some common colors seen by sadhakas. If You see some
other color, try to find its nearer color and deduce your result.
The following symptom, if felt during meditation , prove the
advancement of sadhna :-
1- Sudden jerk in limbs - this happens due to Prana suddenly rushing
away from the limb to the Sushumna. This sign denotes higher stage of
concentration and advancement in sadhana.
2- Cool air felt on eyelids / forehead :- another very good sign of
progress. This normally happens in deep concentration. One feels as
if super cooled air is being blown gently over one's eyelids,
forehead, throat, nose or any other part. This happens due to inflow
of prana from the supreme power (Mother Nature/Durga). After some
more practice, one may feel this cool air any time even while not
3- Throbbing/pulsing - sometimes sadhaka feels throbbing in the end of spinal
region, or on genitals, or on the forehead. This sensation denotes
activation of concerned chakra.
4- Tingling in the spinal column :- One may feel tingling in the
spinal column, or upper tips of genitals , or on lips. This happens
due to Prana opening the fine nadis and is a good sign, but one
should be careful during this sensation as Sexual desires may flare
up suddenly. One has to control his sex-needs during this sensation,
then it becomes very helpful in sadhana.
5- Sudden jerks in the body :- some sadhaka may feel sudden jerks
during mediation. This is most common in sadhakas doing TM, RajYoga,
or Vipasana. These jerks are sometimes so violent that they break the
concentration. These jerks happen due to Prana suddenly flowing into
Sushumna Nadi. It is a very good sign and should be taken as a
progress on the path. If they disturb the concentration, one should
not lose heart because by the passage of time, and advancement of
sadhana this break in concentration will stop.
6- Feeling of lightness/floating : Many sadhakas feel that their body
has become light like feather or some may feel they are in the air in
an unbalanced position, or some just feel blown in the air. This
sensation is felt when the astral body detaches itself from the
physical body, and starts floating in the air. This is a very good
sign, provided one does not get disturbed out of fear or any such
thing. If one continues he may start having the astral visions after
this sensation.
7- Listening strange sounds :- Though listening astral sounds is a
part of Anahat Naad Sadhana, but any sadhaka can listen the astral
sounds. Some sadhaka listen the sound of a flute, or sound of conch,
or sound of rain, or sound of thunderbolt, or sound of river flowing.
All these sounds are normally heard in the upper region of brain.
This sensation is felt due to activation of astral ears. These sounds
are in fact the sounds of the astral world. One may continue with his
sadhana without giving much importance to these sound. If we
concentrate on these sounds, our path will change and we will start
Naad Anusandhan which is another powerful path for salvation. The
last sound heard in this case will be of OM.
visions are seen by advanced sadhaka (or by a novice if God so
wishes). In this one may see sky, stars, kundalini or his body
functions, or may see different energies working in the universe. The
vision had by Swami Yogananda falls under this category. So by
careful analysis of the vision, we may categorise it and find out
whether it indicates Chittashudhhi, warning, guiding or showing great
mystery and use its results in our sadhana.
STRANGE LIGHTS : Seeing strange lights by closed eyes is a very
common phenomenon. these are seen even by new sadhakas. There are
different explanations for seeing the lights, but we will not go into
dry intellectualism. These lights may be seen as a dot against the
black back ground as seen by closed eyes or we may see a fog/mist of
colours, or the light may be seen as a thunderbolt. How we see the
lights is not important. The importance of light lies in its color.
We should carefully note the color of the light seen which may give
us an insight into its significance. Below some examples
gathered from new and advanced sadhakas :-
(The colours may be common colours, but they tend to change in such
wavelengths as are never seen in practical. Seeing a colour in
strange wavelengths denotes higher stage of concentration)
1- A less black dot seen in the darker background :- It denotes the
sadhana is on right path. The dot represents wavering but settling
Manas as seen by the Agya Chakra.
2- A bright dot (color milky white) : denotes progress in sadhana. If
possible we should concentrate on this dot, though in the beginning it sparks and fades in
seconds, but becomes stable with progress in concentration.
3- Self-illuminating cob-webs or strange shapes : These may denote
visualizing one of our chakra, or a complex system of our Nadis.
Instead of wasting our time as to what it is, we should continue with
our sadhna and He will reveal slowly what He wishes to show.
4- Color Pink : denotes higher stage of purified chitta
5- Color Green : denotes peace attained by Manas
6- Color Yellow or golden : denotes Ishwar Kripa coming to us
7- Color Orange : denotes lust and Kama under control
8- Color Violet : denotes higher stage of sadhna. It signifies
activation of Agya Chakra.
9- Color Blue : denotes feeling of Vairagya becoming stronger.
These were some common colors seen by sadhakas. If You see some
other color, try to find its nearer color and deduce your result.
The following symptom, if felt during meditation , prove the
advancement of sadhna :-
1- Sudden jerk in limbs - this happens due to Prana suddenly rushing
away from the limb to the Sushumna. This sign denotes higher stage of
concentration and advancement in sadhana.
2- Cool air felt on eyelids / forehead :- another very good sign of
progress. This normally happens in deep concentration. One feels as
if super cooled air is being blown gently over one's eyelids,
forehead, throat, nose or any other part. This happens due to inflow
of prana from the supreme power (Mother Nature/Durga). After some
more practice, one may feel this cool air any time even while not
3- Throbbing/pulsing - sometimes sadhaka feels throbbing in the end of spinal
region, or on genitals, or on the forehead. This sensation denotes
activation of concerned chakra.
4- Tingling in the spinal column :- One may feel tingling in the
spinal column, or upper tips of genitals , or on lips. This happens
due to Prana opening the fine nadis and is a good sign, but one
should be careful during this sensation as Sexual desires may flare
up suddenly. One has to control his sex-needs during this sensation,
then it becomes very helpful in sadhana.
5- Sudden jerks in the body :- some sadhaka may feel sudden jerks
during mediation. This is most common in sadhakas doing TM, RajYoga,
or Vipasana. These jerks are sometimes so violent that they break the
concentration. These jerks happen due to Prana suddenly flowing into
Sushumna Nadi. It is a very good sign and should be taken as a
progress on the path. If they disturb the concentration, one should
not lose heart because by the passage of time, and advancement of
sadhana this break in concentration will stop.
6- Feeling of lightness/floating : Many sadhakas feel that their body
has become light like feather or some may feel they are in the air in
an unbalanced position, or some just feel blown in the air. This
sensation is felt when the astral body detaches itself from the
physical body, and starts floating in the air. This is a very good
sign, provided one does not get disturbed out of fear or any such
thing. If one continues he may start having the astral visions after
this sensation.
7- Listening strange sounds :- Though listening astral sounds is a
part of Anahat Naad Sadhana, but any sadhaka can listen the astral
sounds. Some sadhaka listen the sound of a flute, or sound of conch,
or sound of rain, or sound of thunderbolt, or sound of river flowing.
All these sounds are normally heard in the upper region of brain.
This sensation is felt due to activation of astral ears. These sounds
are in fact the sounds of the astral world. One may continue with his
sadhana without giving much importance to these sound. If we
concentrate on these sounds, our path will change and we will start
Naad Anusandhan which is another powerful path for salvation. The
last sound heard in this case will be of OM.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
The true Guru is the one who shows the right path to his followers, the one who drives away sorrow. The one who eliminates the darkness in your life and fills it with the light of wisdom. The Guru leads you to enlightenment and shows the path to self-realisation, for which you have taken birth. This is his first and last aim and one who does this is the real Guru.
In this discourse, if you be with the Guru, then your whole life is going to change. Your way of living life will be so transformed that you won't be able to recognize yourself. You will understand and acquire what you are searching for since long. You will be in bliss. This bliss can be experienced only by your soul – the Atman – but your ego is a barrier. The Guru will break this barrier to make you realise this. There is a song “Duniya banaanewaale kaaheko duniya banaayee” (O Creator, why have you made this world?). Here in this universe someone is crying, someone is laughing, someone is a king and someone a pauper. Some throw away excess food and someone feeds himself with wasted food. Who is responsible for this? The Creator of the Universe? This is to be realized. One man is happy in a situation. Whereas another man is unhappy in the same situation. For example in a family of five people, four are loving and one person is quarrelsome. He keeps fighting with others, why so? The circumstrances are the
same for everybody in the family. Sometimes two people from similar backgrounds go out to work and one is very successful whereas the other does not get results even if he works very hard. Someone is not physically fit inspite of being operated upon six times. Someone is wealthy having all the possible luxuries, but he has a single mentally retarded child. One person is not happy with all his luxuries while the other is very happy with minimal belongings. Why is this? Why do I have scarcity in my life or why am I happy? This is what I am going to reveal to you. Everyone experiences incidents according to their 'sanchit karmas'. If I am happy, I feel the whole world is happy. If I am in the wrong, then I feel that everybody in the world is wrong . Why so?? Your past sanskaras make you think and experience such things. You have created the present with your karmas and are now experiencing it and at the same time creating your future.Our Shastras say no one can stop the events in your life, on the other hand it is also said that you are the creator of your own destiny. Bothstatements are in contrast to each other, but you will understand soon.
same for everybody in the family. Sometimes two people from similar backgrounds go out to work and one is very successful whereas the other does not get results even if he works very hard. Someone is not physically fit inspite of being operated upon six times. Someone is wealthy having all the possible luxuries, but he has a single mentally retarded child. One person is not happy with all his luxuries while the other is very happy with minimal belongings. Why is this? Why do I have scarcity in my life or why am I happy? This is what I am going to reveal to you. Everyone experiences incidents according to their 'sanchit karmas'. If I am happy, I feel the whole world is happy. If I am in the wrong, then I feel that everybody in the world is wrong . Why so?? Your past sanskaras make you think and experience such things. You have created the present with your karmas and are now experiencing it and at the same time creating your future.Our Shastras say no one can stop the events in your life, on the other hand it is also said that you are the creator of your own destiny. Bothstatements are in contrast to each other, but you will understand soon.
Many times you say that you knew everything in advance but did not utter a word. That too you will understand as we go on. You have to endure your destiny, youcannot change it. This is a journey in which you cannot retrace your steps. There is nothing thatyou can change or re-arrange in your past. So you have to let go of it. If you drag the past (which is dead) into your present, it will only spread the unpleasant odour of decay in your life. The present is the truth and remember your future will take birth from it.
–Avdhoot Baba Shivanand Ji
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