Have you ever thought that why mostly all the realized people in the past and in the present were mostly Kshatriyas (the fighter class) instead of the Brahmans and pundits who perfonn all the rituals mantras and yajnas. Some of the realized Kshatriyas were prince Ram, Krishna, Mahavir, Gautam Buddha and many more. This was because the warrior class was meant to fight, to work hard for what ever they wanted. They were never dependent on any person for any thing.
In the old times every person’s life was divided into four stages Brhamcharya Ashram, Grasth Ashram, Vanprasth Ashram and Sanyas.
These stages had a very deep meaning and led the person live his life to the maximum. In the first twenty-five years of a man’s life he was known to be in his Brhamcharya Ashram. In this stage he lived in the jungle with his guru who guided him to live his life to the worst of the worst happenings and to the best of the best happenings. This trained the child to live his future life confidently.
These stages had a very deep meaning and led the person live his life to the maximum. In the first twenty-five years of a man’s life he was known to be in his Brhamcharya Ashram. In this stage he lived in the jungle with his guru who guided him to live his life to the worst of the worst happenings and to the best of the best happenings. This trained the child to live his future life confidently.
Now let us take the child of today. He is pampered, spoilt and given all the comforts of the world even if the parents can afford it or not. When the time comes the child who is now a man leaves the protecting environs of his. Now the child gets confused, as he now has ajob worth not more then ten thousand. Whereas, in his early days his spendings were more than twenty thousand. This stops him from living an appropriate life.
The second Ashram of a man’s life was Grasth Ashram. In this Ashram he was allowed to marry any girl he wanted to. Even the female could choose or refuse
any man. In this stage he was allowed to experience all the comforts that this planet can offer to them and the person really does enjoy. But when it comes to marriage there is no choice. Who ever the parents will decide will have to be his life partner. Hence instead of enjoying your own life you start to hate it and you disapprove it. And your life, which is supposed to be an eternal heaven, turns out more to be like an eternal hell.
any man. In this stage he was allowed to experience all the comforts that this planet can offer to them and the person really does enjoy. But when it comes to marriage there is no choice. Who ever the parents will decide will have to be his life partner. Hence instead of enjoying your own life you start to hate it and you disapprove it. And your life, which is supposed to be an eternal heaven, turns out more to be like an eternal hell.
The third Ashram was the Vanprasth Ashram. In this Ashram the parents imparted to their child the experience and the knowledge v acquired during all their lifetime because now the child was reach for it and now he will have to take care of his father’s work. The fourth Ashram was when the parents finally took Sanas. In these stage the parents leave for the jungle. and there also they will not starve or wander aimlessly. Rather they would establish a place where they, like an experienced Guru. ould teach the correct way of life to their disciples. Then when the rime will come they will sit in Samadhi and would gently leave their bodies and die peacefully. In the present days. first of all nobody lives beyond 75 years and even if one does he ‘r she lies in the bed filled more with diseases then life.
Let me tell you a story about it - once there lived a greatsaint known as Eknath Maharaj. I-Ic used to organize h bhandaras to feed hungry people. So once a very rich merchant approached to Eknath Maharaj and said that “you perform such big bhandaras, don’t you ever get a little tired, confused or frustrated. You see when I perform bhandaras I get very frustrated and I don’t seem to realize how you can be so calm. “Eknath Maharaj just looked at him and said, “ one week from now you will die at twelve noon.” and went away. The merchant was astonished by what he had heard. The merchant went home sad thinking what if the prophecy came true, as a realized person had uttered those words. Just as he reached his house his personal assistant came in dashing and said “Seth there is a perfect deal you will gain a lot and there is nothing to loose “.
The merchant got angry and said that do not be a fool, forget the deal I am going to die in a week. A week passed and just as it was twelve noons the merchant looked around and saw that his whole family, lawyers and a whole army of pundits had arrived. He then wondered what have I done? Why have I collected so much of wealth? He looked at his family and wondered tearfully- the moment I will die they will start fighting over my property. At exact twelve noon Eknath Maharaj arrived at his house. The merchant was very happy seeing that at least one person would be in his death who will not howl, cry or fight. Eknath Maharaj asked him that “are you now peace full “? And the reply was yes I am very peace full. Then Eknath Maharaj said, “this is how I remain peace full, I think that the moment I am living in is my very last moment. This is how every great being is great. He does his work to the best of his ability with the belief that this is his very last task, and he remains peace full.
There are three categories of people in the world. The third category is the person who is a parasite. This kind person is always dependent on others, he may never think nor work and will always eat your energy. They never do anything for the community and the people feeding them or even themselves. They want their luck to do everything for them.
The second category is the average human being. These are the people who do half or a little more work given to them. They may never want to leave their mark. They think a lot but they never do and they are also mostly dependent on luck.
The first category is the great being; they always do there work the best. They work double of what they are paid for. They make the community. They are never dependent and they know the reason of their arrival on planet earth. They live a 400 % life. 200% spiritual and 200% worldly. They are the people who know the true meaning of life and they just don’t know the meaning of give up. They live their life to the maximum and ultimately leave their body as a realized soul. Now you have to choose whether you have to become a first, second or third category person.
Shivyog Materialisation (Rishikesh Shivir)
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