The Divine Healing Power of Lord Shiva
The answer to all these pertinent questions lie in Shambhavi- the divine healing power of Lord Shiva. Shambhavi was Shiva’s antidote to all the ills and ailments besieging mankind. Lord Shiva bestowed his divine powers on other Siddha masters in the lineage. One such celebrated soul was Avdhoot Baba Nityananda. True to his benevolent self, Gurudev Nityananda in conferred this divine power on Avdhoot Baba Shivananda. Avdhoot Baba Shivananda, in true compliance of his Guru’s wishes, has made this divine power available to everyone.
Shambhavi is the power of Shiva’s third eye, Shambhavi is a highly potent flow of life force energy. When Lord Shiva opens his third eye, immense power capable of rooting out all the negativity is generated in a sudden upsurge. Shiva harnessed this power to the benefit of mankind. He administered Shambhavi Diksha to the great masters with dual purpose of enabling them to destroy negativity and healing ailments. Shambhavi is essentially the highest Diksha in the spiritual quest. It embodies three powerful Shaktipats that are conferred on a disciple. Shaktipats facilitate the opening of third eye. As a result Crown Chakras resembling thousand petaled lotus expands completely and divine Kundalini energy rises above the Anand Chakra. Shaktipat stimulates enormous heat and energy. Consequently all the diseases and Karmic ill effects are destroyed during Shambhavi Shaktipat Diksha.
With successful completion of Shambhavi Diksha a person can experience continues flow of the divine fire from both the eyes and the third eye. The divine fire thus availed is capable of exterminating all the diseases, suffering and pain prevalent in humanity. Healing that accrues form it is extremely powerful and speedy. So much so, that a patient can get relief by just looking at the afflicted part for few minutes. By its sheer healing power Shambhavi resurrects the dead organs.
Amazing Healing Attributes of Shambhavi
Shambhavi derives its healing attributes from two powerful Shakti Kriyas and Brahmand Kriya. These factors when combined with Siddha’s Karmic Mandala provide a huge impetus to the healing capabilities of Shambhavi. With the results, Shambhavi can heal the most deadliest of diseased be it the kidney failure, heart ailment, diabetes, arthritis or even cancer. In the normal course any disease can be cured with in eleven days. A lady in Mumbai has the same experience. She approached Avdhoot Baba Shivananda with a swollen foot. In excruciating pain she asked Baba for healing. Babaji made her sit in front of him and started looking at the swollen part. Much to the disbelief of everyone present, the swelling began to subside. And within minutes her foot was back to normal, similarly there are many instances where people with terminal diseases deemed beyond recovery by doctors were with aid of Shambhavi. Therefore it would suffice to say that even in this age we can experience the wonders of Shambhavi healing in the same manner as witnessed during the times the great saints. More importantly it is possible for common people to perform these miracles.
The Protective Layer of Shambhavi
Besides healing, Shambhavi can act as a protective shield against threats ranging from psychic attacks to the risk of life and property. The protective layer of Shambhavi extends from individuals to houses and factories. Goal Manifestation results from Shambhavi are very quick. It is the quickest way to self-realization. Shambhavi leads you into Turya Avastha – the most advanced stage of meditation- thereby purifying higher self and higher bodies. Karmic factores are instantly dissolved in the throes of Turya Avastha. One remains connected to the inner dimension of light through Shambhavi. Basically there is more to Shambhavi than mere healing sessions. It is a state of deepest meditation. Only the blessed ones get a chance to experience it. With every session the individual’s higher body gets cleansed of Karmic Doshas. He received blessings from the highest source. He gets connected to the highest dimension of light on this way to Bhog and Moksha. Healer on the other hand, goes about his task quite effortlessly. He is not even required to lift his finger. Rather his eyes do the healing while he remains engrossed in meditation.
Shambhavi Diksha
It is important to remember that anyone can avail this sacred Diksha. Prior to that it is essential for the person to have knowledge of Siddha Healing and Mrit Sanjeevani Kriya. Every person has thousand of Karmic layers surrounding his energy body. Once you meditate these layers dissipate to leave you purified and ready to receive Shambhavi Diksha. Purification is the foremost pre-requisite to Shambhavi Diksha as an impure body will not able to handle the turbulent energy of Shambhavi. Needless to say, Shambhavi Healing is a godsend opportunity of mastering the sacred therapy. It has no fixed criteria. Therefore anyone irrespective of age, caste and creed can avail this divine inertia for self-realization. World Spiritual Healing Foundation is deeply involved in the noble endeavor of imparting the complete knowledge of Shambhavi and other Siddha Healing techniques to the masses. So that people get a chance to rediscover themselves through a spiritual perspective. Start with Siddha and join the growing population of the miracle healers.