Acharya : A spiritual teacher. (Acharya)
Ajna : The sixth chakra belonging to the mind or sixth sense. (Ajna)
Ajnana : Ignorance.
Akash : Space. Ether. The first five elements evolved from the absolute.
Amrita : Ambrosia. Nector of immoratility.
Ananda : Bliss.
Apana Vayu : One of the vital airs functioning below the naval. (Apana)
Asana : Seat. Physical pose or sitting posture. (Asana)
Atman : Self or soul. (Atman)
Avadhoota : A holy man of great renunciation. (Avadhuta)
Bhakti : Devotion to God. Devotional love of God.
Bindu : Point. Dot. Seed. Source. (Bindu)
Brahma : The Creator. The first person if the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. Brahman : The Absolute. The supreme reality.
Brahma Nadi : Innermost subtle nerve or pranic channel within spinal column.
Brahmanda : Universe. Lit. the egg of Brahma. (Brahmanda)
Brahmananda : Bliss of Brahman. (Brahmananda)
Brahmarandhrara : Abode of Brahma, located in the opening on the crown of the head.
Brahma Vidya : Process of attaining knowledge of Brahman. (vidya)
Budhi : Intelligence or discriminating faculty. (Buddhi)
Chaitanyananda : Bliss of supreme consciousness. (Caitanyananda)
Chakra : Center of subtle energy in human system. Wheel. (cakra)
Chidakasha : Consciousness in its' aspect as limitless and unbounded knowledge and intelligence. (Cidakasa).Chit : Principle of universal intelli-gence or consciousness. Knowledge. (Cit)
Chitta : Mind stuff. (citta)
Dharana : Concentration of mind. (Dharana)
Ekadashi : The eleventh day after the full moon or new moon, which a devotee spends in full or partial fasting, prayer, and worship. (dkadasi)
Ghatika : Period of twenty-four minutes.
Gingilly : Fickleness of the mind.
Gokul : Town on the banks of Januna River where Sri Krsna spent his childhood among the cowherds.
Gokulnanda : (Epithet for) Krsna-the bliss of Gokula.
Govardhana : Hill near Vrndavin which Sri Krsna lifted with is finger to protect villagers from a deluge of rain.
Gunas : Qualities of material nature. (gunas)
Hara : An epithet for Siva. (remover of death).
Hare : A direct address to God.
Hari : Lit. thief of sins; Lord of the outer nature.
Haridwar : A sacred place on the banks of the Ganges, at the foot of the Himalayas. (Hardwar)
Hatha Yoga : The system of yoga for gaining control over the physical body.
Hridayakasha : Unbounded heart expanse.
Ida : The subtle nerve current (nadi) flowing through the left side of the body.
Indriyas : The ten organs of perception and action.
Jagad : World; Universe.
Japa : Repetition of God's name.
Jeeva : Individual Soul (jiva) (jeevatma-jivatma)
Jeevanmukti : One who is liberated while still in the body.
Jnana : Wisdom and knowledge.
Jnyanis : One who has realized the Absolute through knowledge and wisdom and discrimination.
Kapha : Phlegm; one of the three humours.
Karma : Action; the law of action and reaction.
Kasi : Holy City of pilgrimage for Lord Shiva.
Kumbhaka : The suspension or cessation of breath.
Kundalini : The primordial cosmic energy in each individual.
Lakshmana : Brother of Sri Rama.
Maha : Great.
Maha Santi : The Great Peace.
Mahatama : Realized man of God. (mahatma)
Maheshwara : Great Lord; epithet of Siva.
Manas : Mind.
Mantra : Sacred syllables or sounds through which one attains perfection by their repetition and reflection.
Mathura : Holy district where Sri Krsna was born.
Maya : Illusion; cosmic veiling power of God.
Moksha : Liberation.
Mukti : Liberation.
Muladhara : Lowermost, root chakra. (muladhara)
Nada : The primal first vibration from which the manifest arises.
Nadi : A channel of subtle pranic current.
Nirvikalpa : The silence of mind when no thoughts or imaginations arise. The highest state of Samadhi in which the aspirant realizes his total oneness with Brahman.
Nityananda : Eternal Bliss. (Nityananda)
Nityatma : Eternal soul. (Nityatma)
Omkar : The most sacred sound vibration symbolizing Brahman or God.
Para-Brahma : The Supreme Brahman. (Param Brahma)
Paramahansa : Realized Soul; highest class of sunnyasins.
Paramananda : Supreme Bliss.
Paramatma : The Supreme Self.
Pariah : Outcast in Hindu social system.
Pindanda : The world of the body; microcosm as opposed to the world of the COSMOS.
Pingala : The subtle nerve current (nadi) flowing through the right side of the body.
Pitha : One of the three Ayur-Vedic humours.
Pooraka : Inhalation of breath. (puraka)
Prakriti : Primordial Nature; Matter which in association with Purusha creates the universe.
Prana : Bramanda. Life force; vital air.
Pranalinga : Essential energy of the universe embodied.
Pranava : Omkara; sacred sound vibration symbolizing Brahman or God.
Prana-Vayu : Vital air which pervades the upper body.
Pranayama : Science of control and regulation of vital and physcial breath.
Prema : Divine Love of the most intense kind.
Purushartha : One who transcends the gunas.
Rajas : One of the three gunas; the active quality of nature.
Raja Yoga : King of Yoga. Name applied to Patanjali's system of yoga.
Rechaka : Exhalation of breath.
Satchitananda : Being, consciousness, bliss (three aspects of Brahman).
Sadananda : Bliss of Eternity.
Sadaka : An aspirant devoted to the prac-tice of spiritual discipline.
Sadhana : Spiritual discipline.
Sadhu : Holy man; term generally used with reference to a monk.
Sahasrara : Thousand-petalled lotus region in the top of the head where Kundalini Shakti unites with Lord Siva.
Samadhi : State of total absorbtion where the Absolute is experienced beyond all duality.
Samsara : The cycle of birth and death.
Sankalpa : Thoughts, desires and imagination which arise in the mind.
Sanyasi : A renounciate; order of renounced life.
Sat : Being, truth, existence,that which undergoes no change.
Satwa : One of the three gunas; the quality of light, purity and goodness. (sattva)
Seeta : Divine wife of Rama.
Shabda : Sound.
Shakti : The creative energy of the absolute, a name of the Divine Mother. (sakti)
Shanti : Peace.
Shiva : Two being Brahman and Vishnu.
Shiva Linga : Sacred symbol of the merging Of God with form into the formless God.
Shraddha : Great Faith (sraddha). Also, a religious ceremony in which food and drink offered to deceased relatives.
Siddha : Perfected being.
Siddhi : Perfection. (Refers to yogic mystic attainments)
Sookshma : Subtle elements.
Sthoola : The gross body of five elements. (stula)
Sushumna : The most important of the nadis corresponding to the spinal column in the subtle body through which the awakened spiritual energy (Kundalini) rises.
Swadhisthana : Second chakra; one of the centers of subtle energy.
Swarajya : Self Mastery.
Tamas : One of the qualities of nature, inertia, tendency for concreteness.
Tapas : Austerity.
Taraka : Refers in raja yoga to the light between and in front of the eyebrows, which is seen in meditation.
Tatwa : Reality, element, essence, principle. (tattva)
Tat Wam Asi : Famous aphorism of Chandogya Upanisad "That Thou Art". (6.8, 6) (Tat Tvam Asi) Upanayana : Inner initiation; ceremony in which the Guru initiates the disciple into spiritual life. Varaigya : Detachment; dispassion (vairagya)
Yukti : Subtle tendencies of the mind which give rise to desires. (vasans).