A basic revision of Shivyog sadhana guidelines.
Babaji has given these guidelines so that we can gain more per session. Many sadhaks know all these things, i am posting this for others who don't know, or have forgotten about this. OM NAMAHA SHIVAYA
The first & foremost thing a Shivyog sadhak is expected to do before doing his sadhana is clean all the opening/ body cavities like ears, nostrils, mouth especiall the tongue which is the most dirtiest & infected part of the body, almost 24/7, & the genitals.
This is to be done so that no negative energies/entities find any door way in your bodies & cause you harm & ultimately deviate you from the path of Shivyog. If you do not follow this, you are a sitting duck! 1 may ask whether it is ok to do sadhana without taking a shower? (please try to take the exact meaning of ok which is implied here) & yes, this ? has been taken up in another forum previously, so i am going to take the gist of the whole dialogue or debate & put it here - yes, it is. Not just my view, but Babaji too has explained it. But the cleaning of the body cavities is an indispensable part of sadhana, no matter what.
Then comes the part of the time which is best suitable for sadhana. Well, it's whenever you feel like. Maa Shakti is not bound by time or space, however, since Babaji spends the time in the morning from 6-6.30 am IST, giving healings or sending energy to his sadhaks, one must do anything & everything to do sadhana during this time, everyday! However, even non inititated sadhaks, who are fans of Babaji, can invoke him to send you energy & or healing. You will receive it if you ask it sincerely! Try it out! Baba is not reserved for his sadhaks. He is of everyone, for everone. We are all but ONE! You can even experience his healings while watching his satsangs on TV or even on net! I have lots of personal experiences, before being initiated!
Then comes the part of invocation. Babaji has taught us how to invoke Shiva, Siddha Gurus, Healing energies etc. This is the part, which according to my observation has generated a lot of confusion amongst new sadhaks as they tend to forget it & go into sheer chaos because of this! Fear not my friends, it doesn't matter which words you use to invoke them, the only & only thing that matters, i kid you not, is the INTENT! Just intend, even if it's for 4-5 seconds, that you want to heal someone or yourself or a situation or an event or just pray to Babaji or any saint or Siddha Guru or to Shiva himself & the energy will start doing it's job!
Another VERY VERY IMPORTANT thing about invocation is the lighting of diyas. When you light a Diya in front of Babaji & sincerely invoke him, he will come there to guide you & will Amplify your healings 1000 times! Yes! He will add 3 zeroes to the amount of energy you send! When you light a Diya of butter, it attracts +ve energy & is to be kept towards the Photo's right hand side. If you light a diya with til oil, it attracts all the -ve energies in your house, even the freshly entering ones & burns them! There is a Shastrokta reason for keeping the diyas to the right & left, which i don't know yet. But yes, this is what i've read & heard from different pujaris & is the general practice everywhere. I am not saying keeping them on the wrong side will harm anyone. I have no knowledge about that.
Also, when any Siddha Guru comes after you invoke him, he rests in the flame or the jyot of the diya & it stabilises! Does not flicker!
You can play the Shivyog Swadhyay in the background, simultaneolsly if you DO NOT have the time to practice both the Swadhyaya chanting & the self healing together. Invoking your Guru is a must if you want to achieve maximum results/ effect in your healing!
Then comes the part of using the Mahamrityunjaya Yantra. Many of the shivyog sadhkas are already aware of the fact that Yantras & mantras have been locked of their powers!
Siddhas did this to ensure that something as powerful as this science, even if it falls in the wrong hands, should not harm anyone! Or to put it in simpler words, no Tom, Dick & Harry should be able to use it & possibly harm himself or others around him!
Shivyog energies Unlock the powers of Siddhankar Mantras & also of Yantras in seconds!
There are 2 kinds of mantras - one which do not require activation - Siddha mantras & one which do require it - Siddhankar Mantras. Siddha Mantras basically are of Siddha Gurus or the deity of those mantras is mostly a Siddha. He has unlocked it for all of mankind, using his own powers! So whenever you come across a mantra which catches your eye, then do not forget to unlock it & the same goes for Mahamrityunjaya Yantra!
Yantra basically means a machine in plain english. Yantras act as a Supercomputer in performing whatever job it is meant to perform! Mahamrityunjaya Yantra is basically a Supercomputer with powers of many POWERFUL GODS COMBINED, & is basically designed for HEALING of all sorts! >>>So use it, always<<<>>>with any of the sincere emotions like Unconditional love, Compassion, etc, for healing, they become your rini! Unpe aap ka karz chad jaata hai! So they reciprocate by sending you the same thing back, but with much much more quantity than you originally sent! The sun sends the maximim amount of energy in return! It is full of Photons of all kinds of wavelengths, including Shambhavi! So whenever doing healing by Shambhavi, always do it by Shambhavi Dhyana for maximum benefit/effect!
Last but not the least.
This part is the most undisclosed or unheard of part yet, it is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PART in a sadhaks progress in his Spiritual journey! Practice unconditional love! I am no master in this nor have i practiced it enought to speak on it in a forum, so i'll leave it at that!
When we complete our sadhana, i bet that almost every sadhak must be getting up within a few seconds for whatever legitimate reasons or otherwise. This is wrong.
After completion of each & every kind of sadhana or meditation, one must not get up directly! He/ She must dwell in that silence for atleast 10 minutes. You should not think of anything else. Just enjoy the bliss or vibes from your sadhana. Be quiet, be calm. Enjoy the silence! Don't think about your job, your daily chores your enemies or your family. Just be! be still. Enjoy it! THIS IS A MANDATORY PART OF ANY SADHANA OR MEDITATION!
Boond boond se ghat bharta hai, they say, but what happens when that ghat starts leaking? Stop your Sadhana fal getting leaked away. Never do sadhana on your bed or on the sheets on which you or anyone sleeps. Our bodies give out the stress, unwanted & negative energies collected throughout the day, when we are sleeping. That's exactly why whe feel refreshed & rejuvanated when we get up! But if you keep lying in the same place, even after waking up, or do sadhana there, you recollect all the yin energy that has been discarded! Babaji is strictly against this! Use only your asana! This, & the above paragraph, these will stop energy leakages (metaphorically speaking) & will get you there, sooner, safely, comfortably!
Om Namaha Shivaya
Monday, 28 December 2009
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Exclusive High Resolution Images - Shivyog Kailash Mansorvar Visit
Namaha Shivaya and Thanks to all Beloved and wish you a very happy and enlightining new year.
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Friday, 18 December 2009
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