Shukla Pratipada, is celebrated with great zest. From this day, the complete atmosphere reverberate with alleluias, bhajans and Navratri songs like “aayo aayo navratri tyohar ho ambe maiya teri jai jai kaar”.
It is one of the most special festivals of Hinduism in every possible way, which is important from religious, devotional, moral and materialistic standpoints. On this occasion, devotees worship all nine forms of Goddess Durga, and that’s why it is called Navratri. Goddess Durga has nine names as follows: Shailputri, Brahmcharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandmata, Katyaini, Kaalratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhatri. In Navratri, worshiping all these forms of Goddess Durga is important.
Shardiya Navratra is started with the Kalash Sthapana. According to Hindu customs, Kalash is considered to represent Lord Ganesha, so establishing Kalash is the first step. To establish a Kalash, land should be clean. For land cleanliness, it is painted with the cow dung and Gangajal.
According to rituals, a slab is made by seven different types of sands. If seven types of sands are not available, the Kalash can establish on mixture of soil brought from a river with the soil of holy
In Samvat 2067, year 2010, Shardiya Navratra will start from Friday sunrise. From 11:45 am to 12:33 pm, there is Abhijit Mahurat. Those who start Navratri during this time will be blessed with prosperity and success. The auspicious Chaugharia will start from 12:08 pm and Rahu-Kaal will also be finished by then. Shubh Chaugharia is believed best to establish Kalash in temples. It will finish on October 16, 2010 on Mahanavami.
Different forms of primeval mother Durga is worshipped by these following mantras:
1. Shailputri
2. Brahmacharini
3. Chandraghanta
4. Kushmanda
5. Skandamata
6. Katyayani
7. Kaalratri
8. Mahagauri
9. Siddhidatri
Goddess Shailaputri is worshipped on first day, and successively, goddess Siddhidatri on the ninth day. If one can recite Durga Saptashati once throughout these nine days, all of his/her problems get resolved certainly. If one worships mother of entire universe goddess Durga with selflessness, one’s life becomes blessed with divinity.
If someone Prays in front of goddess with pure heart and recites Durga Saptashati with devotion, all his/her troubles vanish for sure. The way we worship Ma Durga, we should similarly worship our mother too, only then it will be called a true worship.
Durga Puja 2010: "Balika Pujan" during Navratri
Durga Puja during Navratri is associated with the incarnation of goddess Durga and worshipping of Kanya (little girls). It is a religious and social aspect of Navratra. Worship of the girls has been given great importance in our scriptures. No difference of caste has been taken into account in their worship and it has been advised by scriptures to worship and treat every girl in same manner. Devotees should worship all girls in Navratri considering them to be Goddess herself, because all the girls are personification of wisdom and knowledge of entire universe.
Our scriptures say that the place where all girls are worshipped is considered to be the most sanctified. In the second half of one of Hindu scriptures “Rudryamla Tantra”, the girls have been categorized into different age groups for worship and described as different forms of Goddesses. For example, a one year old girl is called “Sandhya”, two years old is called “Saraswati” and three years old is called “Tridhamurthy”. Similarly, four years old girl is called “Kalika” and five is “Subhga”. At the age of six, she becomes “Uma”. When reached seven, she is called “Malini” and “Kubja” in her eighth years. She is “Kaalsandharbha” in nine, “Aparajita” in ten and “Rudrani” in eleven years of age. A girl in twelfth year is “Bharavi” and “Mahalaxmi” in thirteenth. In her fourteen, fifteen and sixteenth year, she is known as “Peethnayika”, “Chetraja” and “Ambika” respectively.
How to worship girls during Durga Puja:
Offering prayers during this period makes goddess Durga happy. But as per descriptions of mythology, merely fasting, chanting shloka and mantra, performing sacrifices etc cannot make her happy. So, there is a special significance of worshipping the little girls. According to Hindu mythology, offering special gifts to girls is considered auspicious during these nine days.
1) On the first day, it is propitious to give them flowers. Moreover, one make-up item is a must to be given along with flowers. Offer white flower to Ma Saraswati in order to please her. If you have any worldly desire in your heart, offer red flowers (e.g. rose, china-rose or gurhal, jasmine, and marigold etc.)
2) On the second day, worship by giving them fruits. This fruit can be red or yellow for materialistic desire and banana or coconut for achieving detachment. Remember fruits must not be sour.
3) On the third day there is a significant of Sweets. Goddess becomes happy, if home cooked kheer, halwa or yellow rice are fed on the day.
4) On day four there is a value of giving them cloths but in accordance with financial capacity handkerchief and ribbon can also be offered.
5) Fifth day good fortune and to bless with child is desired from goddess. So giving five type of make up item to girls is considered very auspicious. There can be bindi, bangles, heena, hair clips, scented soaps, kajal, mascara, nail paint, talcum powder etc in them.
6) On sixth day Sport stuff should be given to girls. Nowadays different varieties of sport stuff are available in markets. Earlier this custom was limited up to rope, panche and small toys only but now many options are available in markets.
7) Seventh day is dedicated to call Goddess Saraswati. On this day study material should be given to girls. Different types of pencil, pen, copies, drawing, books, compass, water bottle and lunch box are available in market these days.
8) Eight day of navratri is considered as the most scared day. Goddess gives special blessing to the people who do girls make up with their own hands. Girls’ feet should be washed by milk. Akshat, flowers and kumkum should offer on their feet. Food should be given to girls and offer some gifts to them as per financial capacity. Giving alms is necessary every day during Navratra.
9) On the ninth day mean sthe last day of Navratra, Girls should be feed with kheer, gwarfali’s vegetable and puri kneaded with milk. The worship of Goddess is completed by their feet Mahavar & heena on their palms. If the Hawan is organized at your home then Samidha must be offered by her hands. She should be feed with cardamom & betel. There is a belief behind this custom that when the Goddess goes back to her land then she must be seen off as a girl from her own house. If possible, a red tippet should be given to girls also offer them a small book of Durga Chalisa. Garba’s dandiya & Chaniya choli can also be given.
Goddess bless with happiness, prosperity if the worship is done according to all these rituals.
Importance Of Lalitha Panchami on Tuesday, 12th october 2010
Sri Lalitha Tripura Sundari is the popular form of Sakthi upasana in recent times. She is the main deity who occupies the “Meru” of the Sri Chakra and worshipped as Para Devatha. It is believed that the Sri Vidya is the best among the Sakthi sadhanas and there is no further Sadhana after attaining siddhi in this upasana. That’s why it is called as Para Vidya. Sri Lalitha maa is the principle deity of this sacred tradition.
In Dussera Navratri each and every day has some occult significance. And among them the 5th day is celebrated in the name of “Lalitha Panchami”. Sri Lalitha maa is the real sensitive and soft form of the Adi Sakthi. Durga Kaavcham says that “Hrudayam Lalitha Devyay” that means the Divine mother will have Lalitha Devi at her heart otherwise we can also interpret that Divine mother when takes the sensitive form of love and affection she will appear like Lalitha Tripura Sundari. We often resemble our love and affection with heart (Hridayam).
She is with a beautiful smile (Smitha Mukheem), three eyes (tri-nayanam) and having a goad, noose, bow and the flowery arrow in Her four hands. She is incarnated to kill the demon named “Bhandasura” who took birth from the ashes of “Manmatha” (the god of love) As a symbolic representation. She sits on this demon. She is guarded by other celestial abodes like Laxmi, Saraswathi , Shiv, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Ganesh and Shanmukha. This indicates that all powers and actions will be the assistants of the real source of energy the Sree Matha.
Once Manmatha (god of love) disturbed Shivji who was involved in a deep meditation. Of course the reason behind this act is to wake up lord Siva who can have a child to Maa Parvathi to kill the Demon named Tarakasura. But Shivji unaware of this fact turned Manmatha into ashes with his Gnana nethra. Later one of the Pramath Gana make an idol with this ash. Shivji, realizing his mistake starred at the idol and turned it into a great power. This power changed as a demon named “Bhandasura”. He tried to conquer this entire creation with his energy. Maa Parvathi took the form of Lalithambika and punished the demon with her Ankusa and blessed him with his previous form of Manmatha. All devatas praised her and accepted as the head of this creation (Sri Puram). She decorated the throne of the Meru Prastha and became “Maha Samragni’.
Astrological importance:
Astrologically the worship of Lalitha Maa by chanting/listening to Lalitha Sahasra Nama or Devi Khadgamala, will ward off the evils of weak planetary disposition regarding Marital problems, Financial problems, Progeny (children), especially problem related to ladies in teenage (distracted mind, attraction towards love and romance etc. ).
Prof. Krishnamurthi opined that to ward of the negative effect of Mars-Moon one should pray Sri Lalitha Devi. One who has problems in relation with spouse, delayed marriage, disturbances if mind in teenage, increments can have relief b praying Lalithambika.
Let us all pray her on this auspicious day of Lalitha Panchami on 12-10-2010 (Tuesday) for peace and prosperity for all