Om Namaha Shivaya....All
So here we are at the last moments of the Shivir feeling blissfully happy but at the same time will miss the physical presence of Babaji, His incredible charm and His Love.
Babaji started the Shivir with his usual good humour and said that he had heard that many had been
frightened by the name of the Shivir and had not registered for the course .He stressed that it was important to learn about the art of ascension ... we all have to die ...the body dies but the soul never dies.
The Shiva consciousness is our own consciousness in the pure form .One has to purify and purify so as to reach to the Christ consciousness, The Buddha Consciousness or Shiva consciousness.
To attain Higher Consciousness we have to go within and attain transparency
There are always 2 choices : the path of illumination or the path of darkness .The vortex of illumination or the vortex of darkness
If transparency is there one is automatically projected into the vortex of illumination. What you are inside is what you are outside this is transparency.
There should never be any manipulation.
Do sadhana to find the wisdom that exists within you .
Always help others achieve what they want in life .
Never analyse Saints .
Babaji narrated the story of Nachiketa .
Nachiketa's father desiring a gift from the Gods announces that he is going to do a great yagna and that he will be giving away many cows (which are old and useless) not much to win him anything.
Here Babaji explained the meaning of donation in Shivyog .You give the best of the best to make the person receiving it happy .Do not give old stuff as donation because then you are just getting rid of things and that in ShivYog is not a donation.
1. Unconditional Love
2. Gratitude 3. Forgiveness
Every misery of life comes from the lack of these 3.
The heaven is not a place it is a state of consciousness just as the hell is a state of consciousness.
However you are feeling when you are in the body these emotions are multiplied a thousand of times when you leave the body.
When you want to receive God never say that you are a sinner Due to ignorance you might have done many mistakes but you are always forgiven.
· Meditation is not a ceremonial thing .Wherever you are get connected.
· Always two choices in life : the illumination and the darkness .
1. Gratitude - always concentrate on the vortex of illumination and think of only the good that the other has done.
2. Forgiveness -Liberation of collective karma ,collective miseries .When you are not forgiving you are stuck with that person .Animosity starts when there are expectations
True forgiveness is to be able to pray for the well being of that person who has hurt us .
The guru whether dead or alive always comes to meet you when you die and he shows you the light by reassuring you. Rituals for the dead do not help them but the best way to make them happy and ascend is to cook plenty of food once a year and have it distributed to the poor and none of the family members should have this.
365 days is equal to one day in the astral plane so it’s like you are giving food to them everyday.
Purify the mind from anger, jealousy and all unresolved issues.
No one saves us but ourselves
Give love to all around us .Animals ,plants ,people .
The physical world has three gunas .
1. Satoguna
2. Rajoguna 3. Tamoguna
Satoguna originates when pure knowledge illuminates that person. It leads to peace and happiness. Death in satoguna gives birth to higher dimensions.
Depending on our level of purity, our level of consciousness our higher self also reaches into higher realms and each time we shift to the vortex of darkness our higher self moves further down and when we are happy, forgiving, doing seva and good work our higher self also moves further up towards the Gods.
All who are born highly in society with all comforts were higher beings .If they add on to puniya karma as they do a lot of good work their higher selves move further up in the higher realms but on the contrary if they use their position crush others their higher selves move down .That is the 'descension 'process and the
Self can move up or down. Never judge anybody only give Unconditional Love, Forgiveness and Gratitude.
If a divine being is born he will take birth in a very good environment where spirituality prevails and with a lot of comfort.
If a divine being starts acting as a spiritual guide his evolution will only depend on the the good work that the one he is guiding is doing .
Grand parents often act as spiritual guides and they ascend depending on the evolution of the human.
In ShivYog the guru becomes the spiritual guide because his higher self is there.
1. Deva karma .Purification of the consciousness giving light to the soul .( Early morning meditation )
2. Sakam karma .work hard .give 100% of yourself and when you achieve do the punya in the outside world as selfless service. 3. Santi karma .Night time spend happy moments with the family
Keep checking the thermostat whether you are in the vortex of illumination or the vortex of darkness.
You will keep going to the vortex of darkness but now you know that you have to learn a lesson and jump back into the vortex of illumination.
"Jab koi baat bibad jaaye
jab koi mushkil aa jaaye Tum lena Shiv ka naam ...namashivaya
Na koi tha na koi hai, mere Shive ke Shiva
Tumlena Shiv ka naam Namah Shivay"
Babaji"s guru always told him to listen to the voice of silence.
You are not to become a factory of pain and sorrow
Always remain in a state of Nirguna. (The world is only relatively real but the real self is not affected by it).
The subconscious mind is deep inside, an extension of the soul.
Here Babaji gives the example of a professor who has to deliver a course the next day.
He opens the book on the eve looks at the course he has to deliver then goes to sleep and deliver to his students the next day ....This babaji says is only giving 20% ...
If on the contrary he opens the text ,visualizes his students ,finds ways to deliver the course so that a maximum of students can benefit from the course then deliver the to the students its a 125% involvement.
Karma yogi does not delegate. Before delivering a project you have to be inside of yourself ,take a feel of it then deliver .Choice is yours either you take a project and make it 125% one or you don't take it at all .
Most people do things at 20% this is why there are more mediocre people around.
No work is small.
A Shivyogi believes in 2 more states
Then no death occurs
When an incident happens you must learn to release it by forgiving and giving a lot of love . It is when it
is stored that it makes the person react negatively to every situation .
The conscious mind is aware of good, bad, happiness, unhappiness that is the superficial mind
Whatever you want will come to you but you must be ready to pay the price -125%
It is the involvement of the time spent in making the project successful, how you are visualizing and then it is the physical action.
A Shivyogi has to decide what kind of creator he wants to be. Visualise how much benefit you are going to deliver and make sure the person get a maximum of benefit from what you are giving.
Have no ego, no dependency.
Everybody has the same time but stride is different.
Whatever you are doing take it with a very very high stride
We know that there are 3 states of existence the beginning (Brahma), The sustainance (Vishnu) and the destruction (rudra)
Only the physical aspect is destroyed but consciousness always remains
1. Ascension that reaches the higher beings
2. Ascension that reaches towards Gods
In raising consciousness a Shivyogi continues raising his consciousness until the 5 bodies merge at the same frequency. That happens only when you live in the present moment ,only purification is there ,total detachment is there and helping others unconditionally is there .Then the Sada Shiva helps for self realization to occur and you merge into the light .
If lessons remain unlearned you have to go back.
A shivyogi does everything with consciousness .When eating be conscious of every morsel ,of taste texture everything .While going to sleep say consciously that I am going to have a very very deep relaxing sleep and that I will wake up at 5 o'clock. Consciousness at all times.
Thank You Mila Chetty for Sharing with us.....Babaji Bless You
Unconditional Love to You All.
babaji i m thankfull that i m allways blessed by you
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