Now is the time to start working in overdrive on our spiritual progression। This window of opportunity is closing and it’s imperative for those who wish to make the transition to decide whether they want to be part of the new transformation of 5D Earth or remain in this three dimensional, fear-ladened reality. Each day, we have the opportunity to synchronize our minds and bodies, through intention, prayer and meditation, to the cosmic source of abundant energy, which is helping to assist us in this transformation.
Every Lightworker hopes and wishes that the entire planet will make this transformation, but negativity and fear cannot coexist with peace, love and happiness on 5D Earth. Imagine if we all graduated to 5D earth right now. If thoughts equal manifestations, then what would happen to the person who lives in fear? His or her thoughts would immediately manifest into that particular fear, essentially creating a living Hell.
Fortunately, we exist in a period of time where thoughts are becoming manifestations with relative ease as we make this transition. That means the window of opportunity is still open for those who wish to be part of 5D Earth.
That leads us to the question, “Why will people get left behind?”
Why will people get left behind?
1.Some people are not spiritually in vibration with the rest of the planet. The whole planet is in tune to a specific vibration and frequency. That’s how animals know when it’s time to migrate. Our Earth’s vibrations are changing daily as more as more energy from our cosmic source is moving toward us in waves of abundance. Look at spirituality as a team event. When individuals make their best efforts to contribute to a team sport, they win. This game is very simple. Know in your mind that we’ve already won this battle and focus on making spirituality an everyday event through meditation, prayer, intention, unconditional love, global (and universal) consciousness and by doing kind deeds for others. This is where it begins, my friends!
2.Some people live in fear. We have two basic emotions: love and fear. If we live our lives in fear, then we’re incapable of truly loving ourselves and others. Those in power know this and use fear to their advantage. Conversely, we can use love to our advantage as well! Look at the peace rallies in the 1960’s during the “make love, not war” era. Eventually, the troops in Vietnam laid down their guns, The war machine stops here.” Without soldiers, there’s no war. This type of love based consciousness wins over fear every time!
3.Some people place a high value on money. Que$tion: What i$ the true purpo$e of money? An$wer: To control u$ while we live in this slave society. There is no need for money in the Golden Age where there is abundance for all. That’s why we’re seeing a collapse of the banking systems right now as the Federal Reserve is choking on their creation. With millions of galaxies in our Universe, we’re probably the ONLY planet who is being controlled by MONEY!The richest organization on the planet is the Roman Catholic Church. They have enough net worth to feed, cloth and shelter every person on the planet, yet they horde their money and demand people to tithe them 10-20% of their savings. What’s wrong with this picture? For those who haven’t begun their spiritual journey, this is a good place to start!
4।Some people place a high value of materialistic items। People who are materialistic and are unable to let go of their egos may not transcend to a higher vibration। That’s why those in power are trying to keep us in fear because when we fear, we can’t love and love is the fundamental basis for this transition. Materialism has no place on 5-D Earth so if you think life is all about owning a Vera Wang dress or a pair of $250 basketball shoes, then you might remain behind as well. Then you can enjoy your material possessions on 3D Earth as you continue to work for the money that allows you to purchase these items. The choice is yours.5. Some people are greedy. Just like being materialistic, if you’re greedy, your vibrations will not mesh with the Golden Age and you may get left behind. Our lives are individual, yet people don’t realize how much they contribute to global consciousness! By being greedy, you’re sending out a wave of negative energy that will only reflect itself upon your denial into the Golden Age. If this is what you choose, then you better get used to 3-D Earth because you won’t make the 5-D Earth boat.
6. Some people are control freaks. Spirituality is, indeed, an individual effort that contributes to global consciousness, which in turn reinforces the mandlebrot that creates our reality. If your desire is to control others through manipulation then you’ll continue to have a job reserved for you on 3-D Earth until you learn this lesson.On 5D Earth, there’s not gonna be one specific person who says, “this is how it’s gonna be”. This is a cumulative manifestation that’s created through a group effort of intention, thought and prayer, so if you think you’re gonna be the boss of 5D Earth, then you’ll probably miss the boat.
7. Some people think the world revolves around them. This is where one of the Mayan prophecies in the Popol Vuh has already come true (Seven Macaw). Our egos have been pumped up so much that many people think the world is all about them. It’s not, it’s about us.
8. Some people are not consciously practicing unconditional love to one another. How difficult is it to smile at someone or open the door for the elderly (or anyone for that matter!)? If we loved everyone as much as dogs love their owners, this world would be a much better place. On 5D Earth, everyone will be best friends with one another through unconditional love.
9. Some people constantly think negative thoughts. As we’ve learned from the Law of Attraction, thoughts will become manifestations. This will become easier and easier as we approach 2012. In other words, what we think will manifest itself. If a person thinks negative thoughts, then they’ll create “Hell” in their own minds. People of this vibration cannot exist in the Golden Age and will be left behind.
10. Some people are trapped inside the box. We were born with all the answers we ever needed. From the moment the doctor delivers a baby, the baby learns fear when he or she gets slapped on the butt. Our educational systems place our thought processes inside the box and this mentality is continued as we enter the work force. Did you ever wonder, “Why do we even need to work?” To earn money??? What if money didn’t exist anymore? What type of “work” will we be doing in a peaceful, coexisting society? We were taught that we need money and have to work, yet most of our hard earned money goes to the 13 controlling bloodlines who “rule” this planet.
You can continue to follow the flock and remain with these bloodlines or begin your spiritual journey right now! This window of opportunity will not be open much longer. Our 3rd dimensional life is all about the decisions we make and how those decisions affect our daily lives. Let’s face it, we all know somebody who seems to enjoy being miserable so it’s okay if that person decides to miss this opportunity and is content living on 3D Earth.
Don't worry about anyone who is evil or corrupted. Their vibrations will keep the locked in this reality. Their evil and darkness is actually needed to awaken people to their true spiritual purpose. You didn’t incarnate to become rich and wealthy. You’re here to make a difference on this planet and to witness the Golden Age. Before you agreed to come here, you knew you could make a difference in this world and that you wouldn’t follow the flock.
If you’re awakened at this point, life is truly beautiful. If you haven’t, including the powers currently “ruling” this planet, there’s still the opportunity to make this transition but the window is closing little by little each day.The boat for 5-D Earth will be departing soon. There are 6.6 billion people on this planet and 6.6 billion reservations made.
Everyone has the opportunity be part of this process which only comes around approximately once every 26,000 years.
Who’s ready to go home to 5D Earth??
@Babaji I Love you <3
ReplyDeleteI ask for your kripa every second for everyone.
Om Namah Shivay :)