The visions can be divided into four major categories :
1- Visions coming from purification of Chitta. These visions are
mostly seen in the beginning days of sadhna. A Sadhaka normally sees
himself with giants, serpents, evil spirits or sees himself in very
shabby and poor condition . Often one is afraid and the concentration
breaks ..but these should be seen bravely as when these type of
visions are seen, it indicates some very bad karma or our own evil
desires are dying . These type of visions denote progress in Sadhana.
2- Visions showing future - These visions are like his Kripa to tell
us forehand that we should be ready for some bad times. Though some
people, without any sadhana also see visions about future, but these
are more common with sadhkas. One should not feel distressed to see
the future, as God wishes to warn us and to be ready for this.
3- Visions guiding in sadhana - Once we have made little advancement
on the path of sadhana, our burden of Yoga is taken over by HIM (As
shri Krishna has beautifully explained in Gita). These type of
visions are seen by those sadhaka who do not have a guru, or their
guru is not available to help him. These visions give clear guidance
on साधना.
4- Visions showing the mysteries of the Universe - These type of
visions are seen by advanced sadhaka (or by a novice if God so
wishes). In this one may see sky, stars, kundalini or his body
functions, or may see different energies working in the universe. The
vision had by Swami Yogananda falls under this category. So by
careful analysis of the vision, we may categorise it and find out
whether it indicates Chittashudhhi, warning, guiding or showing great
mystery and use its results in our sadhana.
STRANGE LIGHTS : Seeing strange lights by closed eyes is a very
common phenomenon. these are seen even by new sadhakas. There are
different explanations for seeing the lights, but we will not go into
dry intellectualism. These lights may be seen as a dot against the
black back ground as seen by closed eyes or we may see a fog/mist of
colours, or the light may be seen as a thunderbolt. How we see the
lights is not important. The importance of light lies in its color.
We should carefully note the color of the light seen which may give
us an insight into its significance. Below some examples
gathered from new and advanced sadhakas :-
(The colours may be common colours, but they tend to change in such
wavelengths as are never seen in practical. Seeing a colour in
strange wavelengths denotes higher stage of concentration)
1- A less black dot seen in the darker background :- It denotes the
sadhana is on right path. The dot represents wavering but settling
Manas as seen by the Agya Chakra.
2- A bright dot (color milky white) : denotes progress in sadhana. If
possible we should concentrate on this dot, though in the beginning it sparks and fades in
seconds, but becomes stable with progress in concentration.
3- Self-illuminating cob-webs or strange shapes : These may denote
visualizing one of our chakra, or a complex system of our Nadis.
Instead of wasting our time as to what it is, we should continue with
our sadhna and He will reveal slowly what He wishes to show.
4- Color Pink : denotes higher stage of purified chitta
5- Color Green : denotes peace attained by Manas
6- Color Yellow or golden : denotes Ishwar Kripa coming to us
7- Color Orange : denotes lust and Kama under control
8- Color Violet : denotes higher stage of sadhna. It signifies
activation of Agya Chakra.
9- Color Blue : denotes feeling of Vairagya becoming stronger.
These were some common colors seen by sadhakas. If You see some
other color, try to find its nearer color and deduce your result.
The following symptom, if felt during meditation , prove the
advancement of sadhna :-
1- Sudden jerk in limbs - this happens due to Prana suddenly rushing
away from the limb to the Sushumna. This sign denotes higher stage of
concentration and advancement in sadhana.
2- Cool air felt on eyelids / forehead :- another very good sign of
progress. This normally happens in deep concentration. One feels as
if super cooled air is being blown gently over one's eyelids,
forehead, throat, nose or any other part. This happens due to inflow
of prana from the supreme power (Mother Nature/Durga). After some
more practice, one may feel this cool air any time even while not
3- Throbbing/pulsing - sometimes sadhaka feels throbbing in the end of spinal
region, or on genitals, or on the forehead. This sensation denotes
activation of concerned chakra.
4- Tingling in the spinal column :- One may feel tingling in the
spinal column, or upper tips of genitals , or on lips. This happens
due to Prana opening the fine nadis and is a good sign, but one
should be careful during this sensation as Sexual desires may flare
up suddenly. One has to control his sex-needs during this sensation,
then it becomes very helpful in sadhana.
5- Sudden jerks in the body :- some sadhaka may feel sudden jerks
during mediation. This is most common in sadhakas doing TM, RajYoga,
or Vipasana. These jerks are sometimes so violent that they break the
concentration. These jerks happen due to Prana suddenly flowing into
Sushumna Nadi. It is a very good sign and should be taken as a
progress on the path. If they disturb the concentration, one should
not lose heart because by the passage of time, and advancement of
sadhana this break in concentration will stop.
6- Feeling of lightness/floating : Many sadhakas feel that their body
has become light like feather or some may feel they are in the air in
an unbalanced position, or some just feel blown in the air. This
sensation is felt when the astral body detaches itself from the
physical body, and starts floating in the air. This is a very good
sign, provided one does not get disturbed out of fear or any such
thing. If one continues he may start having the astral visions after
this sensation.
7- Listening strange sounds :- Though listening astral sounds is a
part of Anahat Naad Sadhana, but any sadhaka can listen the astral
sounds. Some sadhaka listen the sound of a flute, or sound of conch,
or sound of rain, or sound of thunderbolt, or sound of river flowing.
All these sounds are normally heard in the upper region of brain.
This sensation is felt due to activation of astral ears. These sounds
are in fact the sounds of the astral world. One may continue with his
sadhana without giving much importance to these sound. If we
concentrate on these sounds, our path will change and we will start
Naad Anusandhan which is another powerful path for salvation. The
last sound heard in this case will be of OM.
visions are seen by advanced sadhaka (or by a novice if God so
wishes). In this one may see sky, stars, kundalini or his body
functions, or may see different energies working in the universe. The
vision had by Swami Yogananda falls under this category. So by
careful analysis of the vision, we may categorise it and find out
whether it indicates Chittashudhhi, warning, guiding or showing great
mystery and use its results in our sadhana.
STRANGE LIGHTS : Seeing strange lights by closed eyes is a very
common phenomenon. these are seen even by new sadhakas. There are
different explanations for seeing the lights, but we will not go into
dry intellectualism. These lights may be seen as a dot against the
black back ground as seen by closed eyes or we may see a fog/mist of
colours, or the light may be seen as a thunderbolt. How we see the
lights is not important. The importance of light lies in its color.
We should carefully note the color of the light seen which may give
us an insight into its significance. Below some examples
gathered from new and advanced sadhakas :-
(The colours may be common colours, but they tend to change in such
wavelengths as are never seen in practical. Seeing a colour in
strange wavelengths denotes higher stage of concentration)
1- A less black dot seen in the darker background :- It denotes the
sadhana is on right path. The dot represents wavering but settling
Manas as seen by the Agya Chakra.
2- A bright dot (color milky white) : denotes progress in sadhana. If
possible we should concentrate on this dot, though in the beginning it sparks and fades in
seconds, but becomes stable with progress in concentration.
3- Self-illuminating cob-webs or strange shapes : These may denote
visualizing one of our chakra, or a complex system of our Nadis.
Instead of wasting our time as to what it is, we should continue with
our sadhna and He will reveal slowly what He wishes to show.
4- Color Pink : denotes higher stage of purified chitta
5- Color Green : denotes peace attained by Manas
6- Color Yellow or golden : denotes Ishwar Kripa coming to us
7- Color Orange : denotes lust and Kama under control
8- Color Violet : denotes higher stage of sadhna. It signifies
activation of Agya Chakra.
9- Color Blue : denotes feeling of Vairagya becoming stronger.
These were some common colors seen by sadhakas. If You see some
other color, try to find its nearer color and deduce your result.
The following symptom, if felt during meditation , prove the
advancement of sadhna :-
1- Sudden jerk in limbs - this happens due to Prana suddenly rushing
away from the limb to the Sushumna. This sign denotes higher stage of
concentration and advancement in sadhana.
2- Cool air felt on eyelids / forehead :- another very good sign of
progress. This normally happens in deep concentration. One feels as
if super cooled air is being blown gently over one's eyelids,
forehead, throat, nose or any other part. This happens due to inflow
of prana from the supreme power (Mother Nature/Durga). After some
more practice, one may feel this cool air any time even while not
3- Throbbing/pulsing - sometimes sadhaka feels throbbing in the end of spinal
region, or on genitals, or on the forehead. This sensation denotes
activation of concerned chakra.
4- Tingling in the spinal column :- One may feel tingling in the
spinal column, or upper tips of genitals , or on lips. This happens
due to Prana opening the fine nadis and is a good sign, but one
should be careful during this sensation as Sexual desires may flare
up suddenly. One has to control his sex-needs during this sensation,
then it becomes very helpful in sadhana.
5- Sudden jerks in the body :- some sadhaka may feel sudden jerks
during mediation. This is most common in sadhakas doing TM, RajYoga,
or Vipasana. These jerks are sometimes so violent that they break the
concentration. These jerks happen due to Prana suddenly flowing into
Sushumna Nadi. It is a very good sign and should be taken as a
progress on the path. If they disturb the concentration, one should
not lose heart because by the passage of time, and advancement of
sadhana this break in concentration will stop.
6- Feeling of lightness/floating : Many sadhakas feel that their body
has become light like feather or some may feel they are in the air in
an unbalanced position, or some just feel blown in the air. This
sensation is felt when the astral body detaches itself from the
physical body, and starts floating in the air. This is a very good
sign, provided one does not get disturbed out of fear or any such
thing. If one continues he may start having the astral visions after
this sensation.
7- Listening strange sounds :- Though listening astral sounds is a
part of Anahat Naad Sadhana, but any sadhaka can listen the astral
sounds. Some sadhaka listen the sound of a flute, or sound of conch,
or sound of rain, or sound of thunderbolt, or sound of river flowing.
All these sounds are normally heard in the upper region of brain.
This sensation is felt due to activation of astral ears. These sounds
are in fact the sounds of the astral world. One may continue with his
sadhana without giving much importance to these sound. If we
concentrate on these sounds, our path will change and we will start
Naad Anusandhan which is another powerful path for salvation. The
last sound heard in this case will be of OM.
healing my mother babaji.thank you
ReplyDeleteom namah sivay baba ji. pls. bless me & heal me and my family baba ji. jay guru dev